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Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Jackie Paddock

By May 24, 2023No Comments3 min read

Jackie Paddock joined Encorus Group one year ago this month as our office assistant.  We caught up with Jackie and got to know her a little better.

How did you get started in your career?
My grandmother operated a travel agency from her home. She often asked me to assist her with marketing materials and completing client packets. This influenced my decision to pursue a degree in Recreational Management / Travel and Tourism from Monroe Community College. I was the first in my family to earn a college degree. While at college I worked at a travel agency. They had small and large client bases, and handled individual clients’ bookings from bus trips to sailing on sail ships around the Caribbean. The largest corporate account they had was booking arrangements for the Olympics. Every day I was learning new destinations. I was fortunate to be accepted in the Walt Disney World internship program and worked a summer for their travel company. My work experience includes farming, ice cream shop attendant, receptionist, banquet assistant, managing a AAA travel agency, sales and marketing teacher, a stay-at-home mom, Scout leader, PTO manager, meeting planning business co-owner, high school and a BOCES administrative assistant, and seasonal work at a ski resort. Life is certainly an adventure!

What advice would you give someone hoping to enter your career field?
Everyone is a VIP.

What is the most valuable career lesson you’ve learned so far?
Choose HAPPY!

What is your favorite way to spend a day off?
Spending time with my family, including the dogs.

Recommend a great book / podcast / movie / tv show.
My favorites are always changing.  Marvel, Star Wars, and Disney are always good, or anything with time travel.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Spread LOVE, JOY and HAPPINESS to everyone!

What are three words that describe your personality?
Hard working, creative, passionate

We’re coming to visit! What places would you take us to in your home city?
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Martin House and Graycliff, stopping at Harborside, and Niagara Falls. If it is winter, skiing at Holiday Valley; in fall, go to a Bills game.

What is the first thing you do when you start your workday?
Restock the restrooms with toilet paper!

What was your first paying job, and would you go back to it if you could?
Charcoal Corral Ice Cream shop. Yes, I’d go back; it was fun to work there. It was rewarding watching the kids choosing their ice cream and seeing their eyes when you handed them the cone.

What is the best compliment you have ever received?
I was once quoted by the guest speaker during his speech at a sales presentation at a travel industry trade show at Walt Disney World.

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?
My husband, sunscreen and water.