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Encorus Staff Takes a Field Trip to Early Bird Childcare

By February 1, 2023No Comments2 min read

On January 11, several Encorus team members joined the Pre-K class at Early Bird Childcare in Springville, NY.  Their goal was to help the 3 and 4 year olds learn about magnets in conjunction with their letter of the week, M.

In order to teach the kids about minerals in our food, the Encorus staff did an activity in which each child was given a different breakfast cereal in a baggie.  The children then crushed the cereal finely and combined it with water in a small bowl.  Each child was then given a small magnet to swirl around in their cereal bowls, to see which cereal contained the most iron.  Many of the kids were surprised to find out that their favorite cereals contained NO iron.

The students also learned about magnetic force.  They were given smaller magnets and shown how to try to get the ends of the magnets to stick together.  Sometimes they did, and sometimes one repelled the other!  Another activity the Encorus staff did with the children was building towers and boxes with small magnetic plastic tiles.

Pictured in the back row are:  Mr. Mack (Early Bird staff), Anthony Czapla, Jon Wardner, Lindse Runge, Jonathan Fabian, Sandy Queeno, and Nick Lavanture from Encorus.