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Wheel of Certifications – Project Management Professional

By April 26, 2023No Comments3 min read

This week, we spun the Wheel of Certifications and landed on “Project Management Professional.” We will take a look at what a Project Management Professional is and why are they so important.

In 1969, James Snyder, Eric Jenett, Gordon Davis, E.A. “Ned” Engman, and Susan C. Gallagher formed a nonprofit organization in Atlanta, GA as a way for project managers to connect, share information, and discuss common problems. This became the Project Management Institute (PMI), an outlet for organization’s first volunteer leaders to help others by sharing project planning and scheduling practices.

The first PMI chapter was started in Houston, TX, and quickly became global after holding multiple seminars. By the end of its first two decades, PMI had 6,199 member and had given 264 Project Management Professional (PMP) certifications. Currently, PMI has member chapters in over 300 countries around the globe, and over 600,000 certified PMPs worldwide!

PMP certifications are globally recognized. In order to receive certification, candidates must prove that they have the skills to successfully manage projects, meet the experience requirements and pass a certification exam.  In order to take the exam, education and project management experience must be validated, which includes 35 hours of project management training, and 36 to 60 months of experience leading projects.

The PMP certification is designed to build on the training an experienced project manager already has, and serves as definite proof of your abilities and skills.  A certified PMP is considered a professional in this field as well as a great asset to any company, as they are able to handle problems and issues with ease, and are able to achieve the necessary results with less effort and resources.

PMPs know that they must be skilled in problem solving, building a strong project team, and being able to stay cool under pressure. Most projects come with their own individual challenges and PMPs are the “go-betweens” with clients and project teams.  PMPs benefit their companies by offering a high likelihood that projects will be completed on time and within budget.

Encorus Group develops solutions for all types of clients and projects with the help of our in-house Project Management Office. Contact Steve Rakvica, Project Management Office Lead, at 716.592.3980, ext. 153 or via email at to discuss how Encorus can help you.