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Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Betsy Connors

By April 17, 2024No Comments3 min read

This June, Betsy Connors, Billing Specialist, will celebrate her 15th anniversary with Encorus Group! We are grateful for all of the work that Betsy does and caught up with Betsy and got to know her better.

How did you get started in your career?

I started my career right out of high school. I always liked accounting. I was working as a teller and one of the customers was starting a new accounting firm and asked me if I wanted to come work for him. I worked there for 5 years and learned how to prepare tax returns and do bookkeeping for many businesses. After I had my daughter, I went to work as an office manager at a dentist’s office and stayed there for almost 20 years. Bob and Joelle Runge were friends of mine and they were expanding their business and asked me to come work for them at RJR Engineering [Encorus Group’s former name] as their Document Control Clerk. I learned many new skills, and then Brian [Tomczyk, Director of Corporate Operations] asked me to do more accounting work with him. The company was changing accounting programs to Ajera, and over time I became the Billing Specialist.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your career so far?

One lesson I have learned is that you cannot always take the easy way. When billing, accuracy is extremely important, so you need to take your time to do it correctly. Backup detail is also very important. Another lesson I have learned is that collection calls are much better when they are polite and friendly. Many of my co-workers laugh when they hear me making calls. They say I sound like their friend calling to see how they are doing. You get more flies with honey than vinegar, and my success rate is very high.

What advice would you give someone hoping to enter your career field?

For anyone who wants to be a billing clerk, being organized and efficient will go a long way.

What is your favorite way to spend a day off?

On the weekends, we spend time with our family and friends. Together, [my husband] Mike and I have 8 children and 10 grandchildren. We enjoy riding bikes, going to the lake, and boating.

What is one thing on your bucket list?

As many of you know, I have left RJR/Encorus a few times for different reasons. My bucket list is to actually retire and stay retired and live with Mike in Florida in our beautiful home and travel.

What is the first thing you do when you start your workday?

Most of my days start with waking up early and riding my Peloton and exercising an hour before work. I enjoy working out daily.