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Erie County Medical Center Plumbing and Sprinkler System Evaluations

By October 26, 2022March 18th, 2025No Comments2 min read

Erie County Medical Center (ECMC) is one of the primary hospitals providing state-of-the-art care to the eight counties of the Western New York region. The main ECMC campus includes 573 inpatient beds and has specialized centers for oncology care, transplantation and kidney care, behavioral health, more than 30 outpatient care services and a long-term care facility. Not only is the hospital a Level 1 Adult Trauma Center, but it is also a major teaching and learning facility for the University at Buffalo. Consistent maintenance and repairs are a top priority for ECMC and are vital to the upkeep of the hospital.

ECMC put forth a plan for the repair and replacement of areas associated with the main hospital tower. The purpose of the main lobby expansion and renovation was to add new escalators and elevators, main entrance finishes, and new mechanical systems to support the 4,200 square foot lobby. Encorus was a subconsultant to prime firm Clark Patterson Lee and was mainly responsible for the portion of the project involving plumbing in regard to bathroom modifications and extension of the sprinkler system to the new lobby.

Our team evaluated the existing plumbing and sprinkler systems of the building to determine how to best route new services for the renovated bathrooms and extend the sprinkler systems into the new lobby area of the hospital. Encorus created engineering designs reflecting the results of these evaluations. Our team coordinated directly with those responsible for the lobby addition to ensure that the extension and re-routing of the sprinkler systems went smoothy. These improvements will result in a better experience for staff, patients, and visitors to the hospital.  Encorus Group’s staff looks forward to our next opportunity to assist clients in finding better solutions to the toughest problems!