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Join us in welcoming Eric Rayner as he begins his role as RBM Project Designer at Encorus Group! Eric is a graduate of the University at Buffalo, where he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Geology. With over 10 years of experience in the field, he brings valuable skills and expertise to our team. We are excited to have him on the team. To help you get to know Eric better, we asked him a couple of questions.

What led you to Encorus?
I had gained a fair bit of industry experience previously while
working with Sienna. I then took a break and attempted to get
something going again on our family farm. Susanne had reached out
during that period a couple of times, excited about some of the new
types of work and role opportunities Encorus offers. One of her calls
came at good timing and after chatting with Sean and Brian I decided
to follow up.

What are you most excited about as you start in your new position?
I’m honestly not sure yet. Encorus is the largest company, in terms of
current employees and services offered, that I’ve been a part of. I’m
familiar with my position and what it entails. Challenges that
co-workers are puzzling through, on aspects of a project that I know
little about, are much more interesting. You’re almost always
guaranteed to walk away having learned something new.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I really wanted to have my own used book store.

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
A lot of reading, and some gardening or other related task. Been quite
some time, but rock hunting would also rank high on the list.

What is your favorite book or movie?
I don’t know if I have a specific favorite. David Gemmel, Robin Hobb, Brent Weeks, Ed Greenwood, and Brandon Sanderson are a few of my favorite authors though.

What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?
I liked to read.

Who was your favorite teacher in high school, and why?
Most notable in my memory is actually from 6th grade. Mrs. Hagen must
have noticed that I had brought a couple of sci-fi books to read
during study hall. One day she brought a plastic shopping bag in,
which was filled with books her husband owned and had in their attic
storage. I proceeded to finish a book a day and she would bring in
another bag full. I have her to thank for my love of books, and
specifically the fantasy genre.

If you could invite anyone who has ever existed to a dinner party, who would you invite?
I don’t know, perhaps Robert Plant.

If you had to choose one food to take to a deserted island, what would it be?
I assume it’s not an unlimited supply, and is essentially a last meal
situation, not survival. There used to be a small barbeque place I
would go to while I was in school (Kentucky Gregs), but they have
since closed down. They had the best bbq sauce and an amazing bbq
pulled pork sandwich. I don’t think I’ve found one yet that I’ve
enjoyed more.