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Nuclear Quality Assurance Compliance

The Encorus Group is NQA-1 Compliant.

Encorus Group performs work to its established ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program. Our program was established in 2005 and has continually evolved to better meet the intent of our work, the needs of our clients, and generally to improve its effectiveness. The current Encorus Group Quality Assurance Program is organized to address requirements of NQA-1 2008, including NQA-1 2009 addendum, as applicable to our work.

The QA Program identifies a set of implementing procedures for each of the sections of the QA Manual applicable to our work. All Encorus personnel are qualified and trained in the proper use of the program and perform work to the procedures identified in the QA Manual to address and implement each of the 18 requirements of NQA-1.

The Encorus Group’s QA Program has been audited and approved numerous times for use throughout DOE sites. Within the past 18 months, we have been audited by prime contractors and subcontractors for services provided at WIPP, the West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP), and Hanford. We have successfully been audited multiple times in the past in conjunction with performance of work at each of these sites; our program was often found to exceed the requirements of NQA-1 through our innovative methods and procedures.

Most recent audits include:

March 07, 2016

Nuclear Waste Partnership LLP (NWP) Quality Assurance (QA) conducted Audit E16-06 for Software Quality Assurance Program of Encorus Group (RJR Engineering, P.C) at our facilities in Springville, NY.

April 26, 2016

Mirion Technologies (Conax Nuclear) conducted Audit ES16-007 and concluded, ” Encorus Group (RJR Engineering, P.C.) is a satisfactory vendor and will be added to the Mirion Technologies (Conax Nuclear) Inc, Approved Suppliers List.

April 28, 2016

Frederick Machine Repair, Inc conducted Audit A-04282016 and concluded, “Encorus Group (RJR Engineering, P.C.) has demonstrated knowledge and experience necessary for compliance to NQA-1, 2008, 2009 addenda … and will remain on Frederick Machine’s Approved supplier list for Engineering and Design services.”

December 7, 2017

Nuclear Waste Partnership LLP (NWP) Quality Assurance (QA) conducted Audit E18-03 in order to verify implementation of the Encorus Group (RJR Engineering, P.C.) Quality Assurance Program.  The audit was closed satisfactorily.