Department of Energy

Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)

Las Vegas, Nevada

Pump Skids

Project Objective

Encorus was tasked with the design build of three skids that were approximately 48 feet long by 8 feet wide by 8 feet tall. One skid was an air compressor skid and the other two were pump skids for the cooling system.

Unique Project Features

These skids had to be designed to have the ability to be separated in sections so that they could fit into an elevator down to a mine tunnel. The skid pieces would then be carted through mine tunnels to their final resting space and reassembled. The skids were one of the last pieces of equipment to be installed, which required a strong assembly phasing plan to ensure there were no clashes within the required spacing.

Encorus Group Solution

Encorus designed each of the large skids with a mixture of smaller skids and interconnecting equipment and piping. This provided the means to get all the larger components and fabricated skids segments down the shaft and placed into their location. Encorus used key elements of  our NQA-1 program and experience to provide a high-quality design, testing, and assembly plan. Utilizing our testing and inspections team allowed us to have better coordination and timeliness of receiving results.

Specific Project Tasks

  • Design three skids that was able to meet the site requirements
  • Purchase all equipment and materials for the fabrication of the skids.
  • Fabrication of all skids.
  • Testing and inspections of skids once completed.
  • Perform and provide quality verifications of the process and materials.
  • Provide site installation guidance.