Department of Energy

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)

Carlsbad, New Mexico

Safety-Significant Confinement Ventilation System (SSCVS)

Project Objective

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is the nation’s only deep geologic long-lived radioactive waste repository. Located 26 miles southeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico, WIPP permanently isolates defense-generated transuranic (TRU) waste 2,150 feet underground in an ancient salt formation.

Encorus was engaged for a long-lead procurement to provide six 1,000 HP fans to produce the 540,000CFM of airflow needed for mining and waste emplacement operations. The SSCVS project filters all the air from the WIPP nuclear waste repository.

Unique Project Features

Due to the secure nature of the facility, the project was subject to NQA-1 quality assurance requirements. The fans are considered safety-significant and require full AG-1 design and testing.

Encorus Group Solution

Encorus provided long-lead procurement for six 1,000 HP fans. Each fan includes pressure and flow instruments along with isolation dampers and 1,000HP 4,160V motors and VFDs. Encorus also provided final startup and commissioning services for the fans.

Specific Project Tasks

  • Design a fan to meet the flow requirements
  • Procure all components for delivery to the fan manufacturer
  • Full factory test of all functions
  • Deliver and commission fan at the WIPP site