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Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Lindse Runge

By March 1, 2023No Comments3 min read

Five years ago this month, Lindse Runge joined the Encorus team and is now a QA Engineer.  We took the opportunity to get to know her a little better.

How did you get started in your career?
I never expected to make quality assurance / document control a career. I have a degree in marketing from McNeese State University (in Lake Charles, LA). After college, I worked for a catering company and then for Coca-Cola. I planned on utilizing my marketing degree and moving up at Coca-Cola, until I heard about a job opportunity at an NQA-1 fabrication facility making double my salary at the time by just doing data entry. My job while in college consisted of doing data entry in the legal field, so I was a dream candidate for the Document Control Technician position. Turns out, I was really good at it and my job performance granted me the ability to be involved in quality assurance and compliance. I ended up enjoying a job that I only accepted so I could make more money while looking for a better job in the marketing field!

What path led you to Encorus?
I met my husband in 2013 while working at the NQA-1 fabrication facility in Lake Charles. He accepted a job at the West Valley Demonstration Project in 2015, and moved back to Springville, NY.  After a year of long distance dating, we married and moved to Hamburg. Around the time my daughter turned one, Encorus was looking for a full-time document control person to support the WIPP SSCVS fan job. At that time, I was ready to return to the workforce, so I applied.

Have you had a mentor in your career, and what have you learned from them?
I’ve been very fortunate to work with some extremely knowledgeable and supportive people over the years. The person who pulled me aside and sat with me one-on-one to teach me about quality requirements and document control was Penny Flemming. Penny taught me how to determine project requirements and then set up a project based on those requirements. She is a wonderful human, inside and out.

We’re coming to visit! What places would you take us to in your home city?
Seafood Palace for boiled crawfish, a shrimp po’boy and seafood gumbo.  Accessory Zone for local boutique shopping.  Rickenjaks Brewing Company for Louisiana craft beers and live music.  Take an airboat tour of Louisiana bayous.

What is your favorite way to spend a day off?
Spending time with my family; crafting and baking with my daughter; taking the kids to the parks, museums, and zoo; and playing board games.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
To fly! You can go anywhere anytime you want, who wouldn’t want that?