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Fun Fact Friday: Magnetic Flux Leakage – A Polarizing Topic

By August 7, 2020August 19th, 2024No Comments2 min read

Magnetic Flux Leakage testing is another form of non-destructive examination that is offered by Encorus. This testing process is used to determine if and where there is any pitting or corrosion in structures such as storage tanks and pipelines.

Similar to Magnetic Particle Testing, Magnetic Flux Leakage testing involves magnetizing the metal object so that it creates a magnetic field. A loss of metal will result in a change in the magnetic field (flux) produced and that change is detected by the equipment sensors and relayed to the operator. A defect is typically verified and sized using ultrasonic testing after its it identified.

There are a number of applications for Magnetic Flux Leakage testing. Two of the common ones are for internal scanning of pipelines and for scanning for underside pitting of storage tank floors. In either case the magnetic field is introduced into the material to be tested by a very strong rare earth magnet. In the case of pipeline inspection, the tool or “pig” is fitted with magnets and sensors between the cleaning brushes of the unit. In the case of the tank floor scanner the tool is pushed across the top side of the floor with the same basic principles of the magnets creating a magnetic field the sensors detect changes in that field caused by some defect or metal loss.

The use of Magnetic Flux Leakage testing is a vital process in the industrial field. Without this inspection, the equipment might have to be replaced, rather than just repaired at the site of the flaw. This process saves money by extending the life of the equipment, ensures the safety of the staff and operators, and maintains asset productivity.

If you require Magnetic Flux Leakage testing or any other type of non-destructive examination, contact our Director of NDE Services, Jim Handzlik at (716) 592-3980 ext. 148, or at