Department of Veterans Affairs

Canandaigua VAMC

Canandaigua, New York

Boiler Replacement

Project Objective

The scope of this project was to replace the existing campus boiler plant with a new system. This would be an addition to the east side of the Building 12 Boiler Plant. The existing steam boilers and accessories had reached the end of their expected lifespan, and replacement was necessary to ensure the safe, efficient, and reliable function of the system.

Unique Project Features

The design included electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire protection, structural, architectural, and code compliance and safety components, and conformed to Department of VA and NFPA standards.

Encorus Group Solution

Encorus Group performed site visits to investigate existing conditions. Analysis was also performed to project future load changes, select new units to handle the expected future load, and provide cost benefit analysis of options for boiler replacement. Design was performed to provide all piping, ancillary equipment, controls, and necessary structural modifications, as well as staff support spaces within the facility. The new system will be put into operation in parallel with the existing system to mitigate shutdowns to the campus system. Once the new system is operational, the contents of the original boiler plant will be decommissioned, and the equipment and piping which are not needed will be removed. The decommissioning will include the remediation of hazardous materials.

Specific Project Tasks

  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Code review
  • Modification of fire suppression systems
  • Sizing and selection of boiler, HVAC, and other mechanical equipment
  • Electrical and control system design to integrate with existing systems
  • Design and installation of a boiler testing panel
  • Construction phasing design