Canal Gate Inspections
Project Objective
The objective of these inspections to provide a condition assessment of the mechanical and electrical equipment at several canal gates structures, with the goal of ensuring the safety of the NYS Canal Corporation’s civil infrastructure and ensure the collection of quality data on structure condition to feed asset management.
Unique Project Features
Ratings were to be provided for category 3C.400 (Machinery, Electrical), 3C.500 (Operators), and 3C.600 (Machinery, Lifting) equipment in accordance with the New York State Canal Corporation’s Canal Structure Inspection Manual – 95.
Encorus Group Solution
As a subconsultant to Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.(GPI), Encorus Group provided inspection teams for several canal gate locations. Components such as rack and pinion and operator gears, drive chains, sprockets, bearings, motors, conduit, wiring, and power panels. Reports were prepared for each location detailing the findings of the investigation, photographic documentation, ratings, conclusions, and recommendations, as well as site-specific Health and Safety Plans (HASPs).