Department of Veterans Affairs

Oscar G. Johnson VAMC

Iron Mountain, Michigan

Replace Boiler Plant

Project Objective

The scope of this project is to replace the existing campus boiler plant with a new system, to be located in a new 95’ x 70’ building adjacent to the existing boiler plant, with the goal of ensuring the safe, efficient, and reliable function of the steam generating boiler plant well into the future. The replacement plan is based on the site’s existing Steam Master Plan as well as analysis of existing conditions and stakeholder input.

Unique Project Features

The project includes the rerouting of a number of utilities, realignment of access roadways, and reduction in the size of an existing parking lot to accommodate physical security requirements and maintain required access to the facility.

Encorus Group Solution

Encorus Group’s review of the Steam Master Plan showed that more expensive water tube boilers will likely not result in an advantage over fire tube boilers. It was determined that No. 2 Fuel Oil would the preferred backup fuel type, rather than a large amount of propane stored aboveground, so a new secondary fuel tank will be installed, the existing tanks removed, and the area remediated as necessary. It was also determined that the existing site-wide standby/ emergency electrical system is sufficient for the new boiler plant both during and after construction, and meets VA requirements by maintaining the same level of redundancy. In order to retain full operation of the system, the new system will be installed and commissioned, and the existing system decommissioned and removed once the new system is operational.

Specific Project Tasks

  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Design of new brick building to match existing aesthetic
  • Sizing and selection of new boilers and equipment
  • Integration with existing telecommunications network
  • Sprinkler system design with backflow prevention
  • Lightning protection system design