Higher Education

SUNY Binghamton

Binghamton, New York

Science II Tower Plumbing Renovation

Project Objective

This project was part of a larger effort to upgrade key building components including mechanical, electrical, and HVAC systems servicing new laboratories, classrooms, offices, and meeting spaces. This phase of the project saw the continuation of plumbing system design from the third floor and above for the gut renovation of the ten-story tower.

Unique Project Features

Due to the height of the building, domestic water systems from the third floor and above were part of the high-pressure water systems independent of the water systems and equipment previously replaced for the lower floors and adjacent Physics Wing.

Encorus Group Solution

Encorus Group provided plumbing design for this project.  Domestic cold water for the upper floors was provided with a separate supply line and pressure reducing valve station at a higher setting to ensure adequate pressure on the upper floors. The hot water supply and hot water return were routed to the existing water heating equipment in the basement designated as the high-pressure hot water system. This was independent from the recently installed water heating equipment for the lower floors and adjacent wing.

The building also includes four wet labs on floors 3 through 6. Existing natural gas supply was used to route gas lines up through the building to supply the lab benches, as well as the HVAC equipment at the roof. Supplies for compressed air and vacuum services were sized and routed from the recently installed air compressor and vacuum pump equipment in the basement. These services were provided at lab benches and fume hoods located within the wet labs. Piping infrastructure was also included and routed along with the other lab services to allow for a future nitrogen service to the wet labs.  Design included stormwater and sanitary drains, domestic cold water, hot water and hot water return, and gas and water services for the four wet labs.

Specific Project Tasks

  • Code review and evaluation of building plumbing requirements
  • Performance of pressure loss calculations to ensure adequate pressure at elevated floors
  • Creation of construction drawings and specifications