In January of 2024, Encorus Group merged with Sienna Environmental Technologies. With this merger, the Regulated Building Materials (RBM) division was formed at Encorus, integrating Sienna’s expertise within Encorus Group.…
Mike O’Neill and Kevin Opp will be at the DOE Small Business Forum & Expo located at the New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 11 – 12, 2023! They…
Stop by and talk to Mike O’Neill and Kevin Opp at the WM Symposia 2023 Trade Show located at the Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix AZ, February 26 - March 2,…
The purpose of this project was to extend the NFTA-Metro light rail line by 6.5 miles. The previous rail line, which was completed in 1986, ran approximately 6.4 miles along…
Earth Day is a day that inspires trash pickups, water ways cleanups, and increased visibility of environmental causes. It falls on April 22, every year. It is an inspiring day…
Mary Padasak has been an Environmental Engineer at Encorus Group since 2009. She works on stormwater design and permitting, bulk storage permitting, SEQR, and most recently, geotechnical assistance including Phase…
Encorus would like to welcome Bryan Hann, PG as its new Environmental Services Manager! Bryan is a Registered Professional Geologist and brings over 25 years of experience in hydrogeologic, geologic,…
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing is a method of measuring the strength of loose soil that has not been disturbed, or compacted materials under existing field conditions. This is an…
One of the several environmental services that Encorus offers is a NEPA review. NEPA is a very important component in the environmental engineering field, but many non-environmental engineers may not…