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Encorus Insights

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Company CultureEngineering DesignNewsPublicationsEncorus Group Publishes on Modern Mass Communication Systems in The Military Engineer
February 24, 2025

Encorus Group Publishes on Modern Mass Communication Systems in The Military Engineer

Embracing Modern Mass Communication Systems In the Jan/Feb 2025 issue of The Military Engineer, Geoff Chadwick, Manager of Design - Electrical, discusses the growing importance of Internet Protocol-based mass communication…
ArchitectureNDENewsEncorus Group Joins Exciting Seneca Park Zoo Expansion Project
February 19, 2025

Encorus Group Joins Exciting Seneca Park Zoo Expansion Project

Encorus Group Joins Exciting Seneca Park Zoo Expansion Project Photo credit: CambridgeSeven Encorus Group is thrilled to be part of an exciting new chapter for the Seneca Park Zoo in…
NewsRBMIs Your Facility OSHA Compliant? What You Need to Know About Asbestos Regulations
January 31, 2025

Is Your Facility OSHA Compliant? What You Need to Know About Asbestos Regulations

Is Your Facility OSHA Compliant? What You Need to Know About Asbestos Regulations What is OSHA 1910.1001? Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation 1910.1001 sets strict guidelines for the…
In The FieldMechanical EngineeringNewsProject NewsProject Highlight – Campus Fire Station Design
January 8, 2025

Project Highlight – Campus Fire Station Design

Campus Fire Station Design, Canandaigua VA Medical Center Encorus Group is proud to have contributed to the renovation of the fire station serving the  Canandaigua, NY VA Medical Center campus.…
In The FieldMechanical EngineeringNewsProject NewsProject Highlight – Encorus Nears Completion of WIPP Ventilation Fans Project
September 27, 2024

Project Highlight – Encorus Nears Completion of WIPP Ventilation Fans Project

Seven Years in the Making - Encorus Nears Completion of WIPP Ventilation Fans Project At Encorus Group, we are proud to be a key contributor to the development of the Safety-Significant…
regulated building materialsEnvironmental ServicesNewsRBMAn Introduction to Regulated Building Materials
March 20, 2024

An Introduction to Regulated Building Materials

In January of 2024, Encorus Group merged with Sienna Environmental Technologies. With this merger, the Regulated Building Materials (RBM) division was formed at Encorus, integrating Sienna’s expertise within Encorus Group.…
EW graphicControlsEngineering DesignNewsTrade Shows & ConferencesWelcome to the Future: The Future of Engineering
February 21, 2024

Welcome to the Future: The Future of Engineering

Welcome to Engineers Week at Encorus Group. As we celebrate the contributions of engineers across the nation, we also look at future possibilities within the field. In honor of this…
Company CultureEmployeesNewsEncorus Welcomes Sienna Environmental Technologies Team!
January 24, 2024

Encorus Welcomes Sienna Environmental Technologies Team!

Please join us in welcoming the Sienna Environmental Technologies team to Encorus! They will be providing the same services and excellent service you know them for as the new Encorus…
Architects and Engineers: what's the DifferenceArchitectureCivil EngineeringElectrical EngineeringEngineering DesignMechanical EngineeringNewsStructural EngineeringArchitects and Engineers: What’s the Difference?
January 10, 2024

Architects and Engineers: What’s the Difference?

Are you interested in a creative or technical field, or a blend of both? Engineering and architecture both provide essential design services and building expertise to the construction industry. While…
The Power of 2Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureNewsSienna Environmental Technologies Merges With Encorus Group
January 5, 2024

Sienna Environmental Technologies Merges With Encorus Group

Encorus Group is excited to announce that we have merged with Sienna Environmental Technologies as of January 2024. With this merger comes a new division, Regulated Building Materials, integrating Sienna's expertise…
The role of drone technologyEngineering DesignInspectionNewsElevating Engineering and Architecture: The Transformative Role of Drone Technologies
January 3, 2024

Elevating Engineering and Architecture: The Transformative Role of Drone Technologies

In the dynamic realms of engineering and architecture, innovation is the key to progress. Among the latest tools transforming these industries, drones have emerged as a game-changer. This post delves…
Piping and Instrumentation GraphicDraftingEngineering DesignNewsWhat is a Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)?
December 20, 2023

What is a Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)?

What is a Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)? There are a number of different types of engineering drawings, a P&ID being one of them. A P&ID, or piping and instrumentation…
Matterport GraphicEngineering DesignMechanical IntegrityNewsMatterport Camera: What is it and Why do we Use it?
December 13, 2023

Matterport Camera: What is it and Why do we Use it?

The Matterport Pro2 camera is a professional-grade 3D scanner that transforms real spaces into accurate 3D models.  The camera, paired with its software, produces high quality 3D representations of a…
DL&W Station Renovation GraphicElectrical EngineeringEngineering DesignFire Protection EngineeringIn The FieldMechanical EngineeringNewsProject NewsUncategorizedProject Highlight – DL&W Station Renovation
December 7, 2023

Project Highlight – DL&W Station Renovation

Encorus Group has been working as a sub-consultant to Mott-MacDonald for the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA) at the DL&W terminal station. The metro station, originally built in 1917, served…
Hydrometer GraphicCivil TestingIn The FieldNewsQuality AssuranceUncategorizedWhat is Hydrometer Analysis Testing?
December 6, 2023

What is Hydrometer Analysis Testing?

What is Hydrometer Analysis Testing? Hydrometer analysis testing is one of the services offered by Encorus’ civil testing group. This procedure measures the particle-size distribution of fine-grained soils to ensure…
What does a drafter do?ArchitectureDraftingEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsUncategorizedWhat Does a Drafter do?
November 29, 2023

What Does a Drafter do?

What is drafting? Drafting, also known as technical drawing, is the creation of accurate representations of objects, systems, or building structures for technical, architectural, or engineering purposes. These skilled professionals…
Ben Hrycik Staff SpotlightCompany CultureEmployeesMechanical EngineeringNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Ben Hrycik, PE
November 22, 2023

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Ben Hrycik, PE

Senior mechanical engineer, Ben Hrycik, PE, has been a part of our team since 2009. Ben earned his PE license in 2015 and currently works on a variety of mechanical…
Construction Site Testing and InspectionCivil EngineeringCivil TestingIn The FieldInspectionNDENewsUncategorizedWhat Does Encorus Test and Inspect on a Construction Site, and why?
November 15, 2023

What Does Encorus Test and Inspect on a Construction Site, and why?

The Importance of Construction Site Testing and Inspection Testing and inspecting are essential activities at a construction site to ensure the safety, quality, and compliance of the construction project. These…
Hamburg Water Tower InspectionIn The FieldInspectionMechanical IntegrityNewsProject NewsStructural EngineeringUncategorizedProject Spotlight: Hamburg, NY Water Tower Structural Inspection
November 8, 2023

Project Spotlight: Hamburg, NY Water Tower Structural Inspection

Encorus Group recently had the opportunity to travel to the top of a water tower in order to inspect it. Click here to learn more about the inspection:
Project Highlight - Concrete Curing ChamberEngineering DesignNewsProject NewsUncategorizedSustainability – Encorus is Committed!
November 1, 2023

Sustainability – Encorus is Committed!

What does sustainability mean? Sustainability consists of meeting the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations, while ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care, and…
Graphic for CommissioningEngineering DesignMechanical EngineeringNewsUncategorizedCommissioning
October 25, 2023


What is Commissioning? Encorus Group offers construction and commissioning services with a wide range of support. Commissioning is the process of ensuring that all of the operational components of a…
Fire Protection Engineers GraphicFire Protection EngineeringNewsUncategorizedFire Protection Engineers: What do they do and how do you become one?
October 18, 2023

Fire Protection Engineers: What do they do and how do you become one?

What do fire protection engineers do? Fire protection engineering helps to prevent fires, and keeps buildings and their occupants safer in the event that a fire does occur. Similar to…
Kyle Lewandowski Staff Spotlight GraphicCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Kyle Lewandowski
October 11, 2023

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Kyle Lewandowski

Drafter Kyle Lewandowski joined the Encorus Group team a year ago this month. Let's get to know him a little better! How did you get started in your career? After…
Company CultureEmployeesMechanical EngineeringNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Dana Pezzimenti, PE
September 20, 2023

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Dana Pezzimenti, PE

Dana Pezzimenti, PE has been with the Encorus team for over 20 years as a Principal Mechanical Engineer.  We asked him some questions to get to know him a little…
picture of Tom GilmartinEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsStaff SpotlightEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Thomas Gilmartin, PE
September 14, 2023

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Thomas Gilmartin, PE

Tom Gilmartin, Encorus Group's Director of Engineering Design Services, has worked at locations across the world. We talked with him about his favorite project.
Encorus welcomes new engineering technician Ryan HornstromCivil TestingEmployeesNewsWelcome, Ryan Hornstrom!
September 8, 2023

Welcome, Ryan Hornstrom!

Encorus Group welcomes Ryan Hornstrom as an engineering technician.
Constructability ReviewsEngineering DesignNewsUncategorizedWhat Is A Constructability Review?
August 30, 2023

What Is A Constructability Review?

Constructability reviews ensure that an engineered design can be successfully installed and brought up to expectations on time, on budget, and safely.
Person at construction siteCivil TestingNewsWhat Does SWPPP Stand For, And What Is It?
August 16, 2023

What Does SWPPP Stand For, And What Is It?

SWPPP is the acronym for "Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan", and it is a document required by some environmental regulatory agencies for certain construction and industrial activities. Stormwater pollution prevention refers…
Staff Spotlight: Joe LowryCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Joe Lowry, PE
August 9, 2023

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Joe Lowry, PE

Joe Lowry, PE, joined the Encorus team twenty years ago this month.  He has worn many hats over the years, first as an AutoCAD drafter, then as a mechanical engineer,…
Structural AssessmentEngineering DesignStructural EngineeringWhat Are Structural Assessments?
July 26, 2023

What Are Structural Assessments?

What Are Structural Assessments? Structural assessment is the process used to determine the adequacy, structural integrity and soundness of structures and their components, in order to evaluate whether a structure’s…
Robert Felski New HireCivil TestingCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Robert!
July 20, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Robert!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Robert Felski as he begins his new role as Engineering Technician.  Welcome to the team, Robert!
Jobsite SafetyIn The FieldNewsUncategorizedJob Site Safety
July 19, 2023

Job Site Safety

A current debate we follow in the professional safety community is the concept of situational awareness. Some safety professionals say that it is essential to focus and pay attention to…
Robert Lynch New HireEmployeesNDENewsStaff SpotlightWelcome to Encorus, Ronald!
July 18, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Ronald!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Ronald Lynch as he begins his new role as Senior NDE Inspector.  He comes to Encorus with over 25 years of experience in the…
Time Capsule GraphicGPRMechanical IntegrityNDENewsProject NewsUncategorizedProject Highlight – Williamsville North High School Time Capsule Location
July 12, 2023

Project Highlight – Williamsville North High School Time Capsule Location

In the spring of 2019, Encorus Group was contacted with a unique request. We were asked to assist in finding a time capsule, which was concealed in the cornerstone at…
Engineering DesignEnvironmental ServicesNewsTrade Shows & ConferencesUncategorizedDOE Small Business Forum & Expo
July 10, 2023

DOE Small Business Forum & Expo

Mike O’Neill and Kevin Opp will be at the DOE Small Business Forum & Expo located at the New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 11 – 12, 2023!  They…
Finn Gilmartin New HireCompany CultureDraftingEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Finn!
July 7, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Finn!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Finn Gilmartin to the Design Group as he starts his role as Drafting Intern. Finn will begin his senior year at Hamburg High School…
Civil EngineeringCompany CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Daniel!
July 6, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Daniel!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Daniel Langer to the Design Team as an Associate Civil Engineer. Danel is a recent graduate of SUNY Polytechnical Institute in Utica, NY.  He…
Gradation Testing GraphicCivil TestingNewsUncategorizedHow it Works: Sieve Analysis (Gradation Testing)
July 5, 2023

How it Works: Sieve Analysis (Gradation Testing)

What Is A Sieve Analysis? Sieve analysis, or gradation testing, is a method used to determine the particle size distribution of granular materials, such as crushed rock, sand, clay, granite,…
Arc Flash GraphicElectrical EngineeringNewsUncategorizedWhat is an Arc Flash Analysis?
June 28, 2023

What is an Arc Flash Analysis?

What is an Arc Flash Analysis? An arc flash is the rapid release of energy produced from an unintended fault (short circuit) in an electrical system. Huge currents form during…
Mask Production TroubleshootingControlsElectrical EngineeringNewsUncategorizedCase Study: N95 Mask Machine Modification
June 21, 2023

Case Study: N95 Mask Machine Modification

Case Summary: A doctor’s office purchased a Chinese-manufactured machine to make N95 masks with bands to go around the head.  The unit was designed so that the operator could switch…
Jon Wardner Staff SpotlightCompany CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsStaff SpotlightStructural EngineeringUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Jon Wardner, EIT
June 14, 2023

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Jon Wardner, EIT

Jon Wardner, EIT joined the Encorus team one year ago this month as an Associate Structural Engineer.  We asked him some questions to get to know him a little better.…
Thermographic Testing GraphicEngineering DesignInspectionNDENewsUncategorizedWhat is Thermographic Testing?
June 7, 2023

What is Thermographic Testing?

What is Thermographic Testing? Thermographic testing refers to the non-destructive examination of parts, materials, or systems using the imaging of the temperature fields at an object's surface. This testing method…
New Hire Ian SarataCompany CultureDraftingEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Ian!
June 7, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Ian!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Ian Sarata to the Design Group as he starts his role as Drafting Intern.  Ian is a recent graduate of Orchard Park High School…
Sydney Stewart New HireCompany CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Sydney!
June 6, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Sydney!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Sydney Steward as she begins her role as Associate Process Engineer.  Sydney was a process engineer intern at Encorus last summer, as well as…
Noelle Lindke New HireCompany CultureDraftingEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Noelle!
June 5, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Noelle!

Please join us in welcoming Noelle Lindke to Encorus Group in her role as Drafter I. Noelle has two years of experience in drafting and has an associate's degree from…
Derek Walter New HireElectrical EngineeringEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Derek!
June 1, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Derek!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Derek Walter to the Design Team as an Associate Electrical Engineer. Derek is a recent graduate of Alfred State College.  He holds an associate's…
InspectionMechanical IntegrityNewsUncategorizedWheel of Certifications – National Board Inspector Certification
May 31, 2023

Wheel of Certifications – National Board Inspector Certification

Encorus Group is an Authorized Inspection Agency in accordance with the provisions of NB-369, Accreditation of Authorized Inspection Agencies (AIA).  What does that mean? Most federal, state, and local office…
Cooper Zak New HireCompany CultureElectrical EngineeringEmployeesNewsUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Cooper!
May 31, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Cooper!

We would like to welcome Cooper Zak to Encorus Group as he begins his role as a summer Electrical Engineer Intern. In the fall, Cooper will begin his senior year…
Joe Ingwersen AnnouncementCivil TestingCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Joe!
May 25, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Joe!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Joe Ingwersen as he begins his new role as Engineering Technician.  Joe comes to Encorus with previous experience in landscaping and is currently attending…
Jackie Paddock Staff SpotlightCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Jackie Paddock
May 24, 2023

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Jackie Paddock

Jackie Paddock joined Encorus Group one year ago this month as our office assistant.  We caught up with Jackie and got to know her a little better. How did you…
Rick Lange New HireCompany CultureElectrical EngineeringEmployeesNewsUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Rick!
May 22, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Rick!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Rick Lange to the Design Team as an Associate Electrical Engineer. Rick has 10+ years of experience in the electrical field and has an…
Darien Lake NDE ImageIn The FieldInspectionNDENewsProject NewsUncategorizedProject Highlight – Six Flags Darien Lake NDE Inspections
May 17, 2023

Project Highlight – Six Flags Darien Lake NDE Inspections

First opened in 1954 as a campground, and then expanded into a theme park between 1979 and 1981, Six Flags Darien Lake is a 1,200 acre amusement park and resort,…
C Ricley PromotionAwards & RecognitionCompany CultureDraftingEmployeesNewsUncategorizedCongratulations Cheyenne Ricley!
May 15, 2023

Congratulations Cheyenne Ricley!

Encorus would like to congratulate Cheyenne Ricley on her promotion to Drafting Coordinator! Congrats on a well-deserved promotion, Cheyenne!
Process Eng GraphicEngineering DesignNewsUncategorizedWhat is Process Engineering?
May 10, 2023

What is Process Engineering?

What is Process Engineering? Process engineering is the understanding and application of the basic principles and laws of nature that allow humans to convert raw materials and energy into products…
Controls Group GraphicControlsEngineering DesignNewsUncategorizedEncorus Group’s Controls Department
May 3, 2023

Encorus Group’s Controls Department

This spring, Encorus Group’s electrical department was separated into two distinct, yet intertwined, groups: electrical and controls. As a growing company, we are always examining the best ways to serve…
EmployeesNewsUncategorizedCongratulations Kevin Kuzius, EIT!
April 28, 2023

Congratulations Kevin Kuzius, EIT!

Congratulations to electrical engineer Kevin Kuzius, EIT on earning his Engineer-in-Training (EIT) certification!  You can read more about what the EIT certification means here: EIT vs PE: What’s the Difference?-…
NewsProject ManagementUncategorizedWheel of Certifications – Project Management Professional
April 26, 2023

Wheel of Certifications – Project Management Professional

This week, we spun the Wheel of Certifications and landed on “Project Management Professional." We will take a look at what a Project Management Professional is and why are they…
Kevin Donner picCompany CultureEmployeesNDENewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Kevin Donner
April 19, 2023

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Kevin Donner

Kevin Donner joined Encorus Group five years ago this month as a Senior NDE Inspector.  We caught up with Kevin and got to know him a little better. How did…
Bronx Ceiling Lift GraphicEngineering DesignInspectionMechanical IntegrityNDENewsProject NewsUncategorizedProject Highlight – VAMC Bronx (James J. Peters) Ceiling Lift Investigation
April 12, 2023

Project Highlight – VAMC Bronx (James J. Peters) Ceiling Lift Investigation

The VAMC Bronx, also referred to as the James J. Peters VA Medical Center, has a history dating back to the Revolutionary War.  Being the highest point in New York…
Engineering DesignMechanical EngineeringNewsProject NewsUncategorizedProject Highlight – WIPP Site SSCVS Fan Design and Procurement
April 5, 2023

Project Highlight – WIPP Site SSCVS Fan Design and Procurement

We are always thrilled when one of our long-term projects starts moving toward the finish line!  In May 2017, Encorus Group was retained to procure six gigantic fans for the…
Anthony Travis New HireCompany CultureEmployeesNDENewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Anthony!
April 3, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Anthony!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Anthony Travis as he begins his new role as Senior NDE Inspector.  Anthony comes to Encorus with over 25 years of experience in the…
Density Testing GraphicCivil TestingIn The FieldInspectionNDENewsUncategorizedHow it Works: Density Testing Using a Nuclear Density Gauge
March 29, 2023

How it Works: Density Testing Using a Nuclear Density Gauge

Nuclear density testing is a method used in road or construction projects, wind or solar power generation construction sites, residential and commercial construction sites, mining operations, agricultural and forestry settings,…
Compressive Strength TestingIn The FieldInspectionNewsUncategorizedCompressive Strength Testing: What is the Process?
March 22, 2023

Compressive Strength Testing: What is the Process?

Need cylinder breaks? Give Jeremy Lake a call at 716-592-3980 or contact him via email
InspectionNDENewsUncategorizedWheel of Certifications: Certified Welding Inspector
March 8, 2023

Wheel of Certifications: Certified Welding Inspector

This month, we spun the Wheel of Certifications and landed on "Certified Welding Inspector"!  We will take a look at what a Certified Welding Inspector is and why are they…
Lindse Runge Staff SpotlightCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Lindse Runge
March 1, 2023

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Lindse Runge

Five years ago this month, Lindse Runge joined the Encorus team and is now a QA Engineer.  We took the opportunity to get to know her a little better. How…
Civil TestingEnvironmental ServicesNewsTrade Shows & ConferencesUncategorizedWM Symposia 2023 Conference
February 24, 2023

WM Symposia 2023 Conference

Stop by and talk to Mike O’Neill and Kevin Opp at the WM Symposia 2023 Trade Show located at the Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix AZ, February 26 - March 2,…
SUNY Fredonia Carnahan-JacksonIn The FieldInspectionNewsProject NewsStructural EngineeringUncategorizedProject Highlight – SUNY Fredonia Carnahan-Jackson Center – Floor Structural Study
February 22, 2023

Project Highlight – SUNY Fredonia Carnahan-Jackson Center – Floor Structural Study

Founded in 1826, the State University of New York at Fredonia, known for its strong academic programs, attractive architecture and grounds, and rich campus life, is located about an hour…
Case Study: WWTP Ground-Fault FailureElectrical EngineeringForensic EngineeringNewsUncategorizedCase Study: Waste Water Treatment Plant Ground-Fault Failure
February 15, 2023

Case Study: Waste Water Treatment Plant Ground-Fault Failure

Case Summary: A wastewater treatment plant experienced a power failure after working hours. This resulted in shutoff of the plant’s influent pumps, which lift the wastewater from the incoming stream…
Electrical EngineeringEngineering DesignNewsTrade Shows & ConferencesUncategorizedPowerGen International Destination 2050
February 14, 2023

PowerGen International Destination 2050

Mike O'Neill and Kevin Opp will be at the PowerGen International Destination 2050 Trade Show in Orlando, FL February 21 – 23, 2023!  They will be located in Booth #2135.…
ControlsElectrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsProject ManagementUncategorizedEncorus Group’s Electrical Department Diverges To Form Controls Department
February 13, 2023

Encorus Group’s Electrical Department Diverges To Form Controls Department

The beginning of 2023 has already brought change and growth to Encorus Group! After nearly three years of working closely with our clients on a myriad of project types, our…
Fire Barrier vs. Fire WallEngineering DesignFire Protection EngineeringNewsStructural EngineeringUncategorizedHow it Works: Fire Barrier vs. Fire Wall
February 8, 2023

How it Works: Fire Barrier vs. Fire Wall

Did you know that it wasn't until after the 1980s that fire barriers and fire walls became a standard requirement for the International Building Code (IBC)?  Fire barriers and fire…
Encorus Staff and Early Bird KidsCompany CultureNewsUncategorizedEncorus Staff Takes a Field Trip to Early Bird Childcare
February 1, 2023

Encorus Staff Takes a Field Trip to Early Bird Childcare

On January 11, several Encorus team members joined the Pre-K class at Early Bird Childcare in Springville, NY.  Their goal was to help the 3 and 4 year olds learn…
PE GraphicEngineering DesignNewsUncategorizedPE vs EIT: What’s the Difference?
January 25, 2023

PE vs EIT: What’s the Difference?

This week, we spun the Wheel of Certifications and landed on "Professional Engineer"!  Join us to take a look at the differences between a professional engineer and an engineer-in-training.  Stay…
Teddy Dauphinee Joins Encorus GroupDraftingEmployeesNewsUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Teddy!
January 19, 2023

Welcome to Encorus, Teddy!

Encorus Group welcomed Teddy Dauphinee to our team as a senior designer.  He has an associates degree in drafting from Alfred State College and more than twenty years of experience. …
Matt Stoffel, PECompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Matthew Stoffel, PE
January 18, 2023

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Matthew Stoffel, PE

Structural engineer Matt Stoffel joined the Encorus team a year ago this week.  We wanted to get to know him better. How did you get started in your career? I…
Parking GarageNDENewsProject NewsUncategorizedProject Highlight – Roudebush VAMC Parking Garage Structural Repairs
January 11, 2023

Project Highlight – Roudebush VAMC Parking Garage Structural Repairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs provides care for our nation's Veterans, making it an integral part of the United States healthcare system. The Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, located…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsUncategorizedCongratulations Geoffrey Chadwick, PE!
January 5, 2023

Congratulations Geoffrey Chadwick, PE!

Encorus would like to congratulate Geoffrey Chadwick, PE on his promotion to Controls Lead! Congrats on a well-deserved promotion, Geoff!
Radiographic TestingIn The FieldInspectionNDENewsUncategorizedRadiographic testing: What is it and why is it important?
January 4, 2023

Radiographic testing: What is it and why is it important?

Industrial radiography is a non-destructive testing method (also referred to as non-destructive examination or NDE) where many different components can be examined to determine surface and subsurface flaws, without damage…
2022 in reviewEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsUncategorizedWhat Did You Do In 2022?
December 21, 2022

What Did You Do In 2022?

We recently asked our engineers, project managers, technicians, and inspectors what their most interesting project was this year. Steve Rakvica, Project Management Office Lead, said: "Our engineering and design staff…
Fan for WIPP SiteEngineering DesignNewsProject NewsUncategorizedVentilation….Underground?
December 16, 2022


Encorus Group has worked with the WIPP site in Carlsbad, NM to provide vital ventilation systems to underground areas, as well as significant safety systems.
Nuclear Density TestingCivil TestingIn The FieldInspectionNewsUncategorizedNuclear Density Testing – What Is It, Anyway?
December 8, 2022

Nuclear Density Testing – What Is It, Anyway?

Nuclear Density Testing - What Is It, Anyway? Simply put, a nuclear density gauge is a tool used to test the density of a compacted material. Most often utilized in…
Civil TestingNewsUncategorizedWhy does NICET certification matter?
November 30, 2022

Why does NICET certification matter?

In 1961, the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) was established with the intention of creating a recognized certification for engineering technicians and technologists.  Following a merger of…
Geoff Chadwick passes PEAwards & RecognitionElectrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignUncategorizedGeoff Chadwick Passes Principles and Practice of Engineering Exam
November 23, 2022

Geoff Chadwick Passes Principles and Practice of Engineering Exam

Congratulations to Geoff Chadwick, Senior Electrical and Controls Engineer, on passing the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam!  
Matt Stoffel Earns PE licenseAwards & RecognitionEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsStructural EngineeringUncategorizedMatt Stoffel Earns Professional Engineering License
November 16, 2022

Matt Stoffel Earns Professional Engineering License

Congratulations to Encorus Group's newest licensed Professional Engineer, Matt Stoffel!  Matt is a structural engineer and joined Encorus earlier this year.
Pressure Vessel Design and InspectionEngineering DesignInspectionMechanical EngineeringMechanical IntegrityNewsUncategorizedPressure Vessel Design and Inspection Services
November 16, 2022

Pressure Vessel Design and Inspection Services

Pressure Vessel Design and Inspection Services A pressure vessel is a tank or vessel that holds liquid, vapor, or gas at a pressure which is substantially different from the surrounding…
Lindsey Jakubczak Joins Encorus GroupDraftingEmployeesNewsUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Lindsey!
November 7, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Lindsey!

Encorus Group welcomed Lindsey Jakubczak as a drafter recently.  She has an Associates Degree in Architectural Technology, and two years of drafting experience.  Welcome to the team, Lindsey!
In The FieldInspectionProject NewsStructural EngineeringUncategorizedNike Base BU 34-35 Silo Inspections
November 2, 2022

Nike Base BU 34-35 Silo Inspections

Encorus Group assisted in the remediation of former missile launch and control areas.
Engineering DesignFire Protection EngineeringNewsPlumbing DesignErie County Medical Center Plumbing and Sprinkler System Evaluations
October 26, 2022

Erie County Medical Center Plumbing and Sprinkler System Evaluations

Erie County Medical Center (ECMC) is one of the primary hospitals providing state-of-the-art care to the eight counties of the Western New York region. The main ECMC campus includes 573…
Civil TestingCompany CultureEmployeesIn The FieldInspectionNewsProject NewsBent’s Opera House Special Inspections
October 19, 2022

Bent’s Opera House Special Inspections

Visiting Bent’s Opera House is like taking a trip back 150 years into history. Today, the property serves as a boutique hotel, luxury event space, and lavish farm-to-table restaurant. Flashback…
Company CultureDraftingEmployeesNewsWelcome to Encorus, Kyle Lewandowski!
October 17, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Kyle Lewandowski!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Kyle Lewandowski to our design team, as he begins his role as Drafter I. Kyle earned an Associates Degree in Architecture Technology and an…
ArchitectureEngineering DesignIn The FieldNewsStructural EngineeringNorthport VA Medical Center Roof Replacement
October 5, 2022

Northport VA Medical Center Roof Replacement

The Department of Veterans Affairs is a branch of the federal government that provides lifelong healthcare and benefits to our military veterans. The VA serves its veterans at over 170…
Fire Protection EngineeringNewsUncategorizedNFPA 101: Life Safety Code
September 21, 2022

NFPA 101: Life Safety Code

One of the most important responsibilities that engineers have is to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of the public. Throughout the past few decades, and as a result of…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Anthony Czapla
September 14, 2022

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Anthony Czapla

Anthony Czapla always enjoyed tinkering with things and exploring how stuff works. Starting at a young age, mechanical toys and devices were a primary interest of his. This interest influenced…
Electrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignIn The FieldNewsProject NewsSUNY Stony Brook Electrical Switchgear Design
September 7, 2022

SUNY Stony Brook Electrical Switchgear Design

Stony Brook University, a SUNY college with a student enrollment of over 26,000 located on Long Island, had a system in place to ensure that the cogeneration facility providing both…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Sydney Steward
August 31, 2022

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Sydney Steward

Sydney Steward spent the summer with us at Encorus as a Process Engineer Intern. Sydney contributed to two large projects during her time here. The main projects she worked on…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Jonathan Surdej
August 25, 2022

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Jonathan Surdej

Jonathan Surdej has spent the summer with Encorus as an electrical engineer intern. Jonathan worked on multiple projects at many different locations including the Canandaigua and Bath VA Medical Centers,…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Mike Harris
August 17, 2022

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Mike Harris

Encorus NDE Supervisor Mike Harris was born and raised in Ransomville, NY. From a young age, Mike was always around garages, and began to surround himself with race cars. He…
EmployeesInspectionMechanical IntegrityNewsMechanical Integrity Steam Traps
August 10, 2022

Mechanical Integrity Steam Traps

Mechanical Integrity Steam Traps Steam traps are used in steam transport systems that transfer heat through large buildings. Boiling water is used to create the steam, which is then transferred…
Civil TestingCompany CultureEmployeesNDEWelcome to Encorus, Josh Shavalier!
August 9, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Josh Shavalier!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Josh Shavalier to our Civil Materials Testing and NDE team, as he begins his role as Junior NDE Inspector. Welcome to the team, Josh!
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Chris Martin
August 3, 2022

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Chris Martin

Associate Process Engineer Chris Martin grew up in Windham, NY, a small town in the Catskill Mountain region. His parents taught him that working hard and always putting in your…
EmployeesNewsUncategorizedEncorus Group is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
July 27, 2022

Encorus Group is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Small businesses can be categorized based on their ownership status. These categories include Minority Owned Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned…
ArchitectureDraftingEngineering DesignIn The FieldNewsProject NewsStructural EngineeringChina King Restaurant Repair Design
July 20, 2022

China King Restaurant Repair Design

Last November, a delivery truck crashed into the side of the China King restaurant in Gowanda, NY, causing extensive damage to the building. Along with the structural damage, the vehicle…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureDraftingEmployeesNewsCongratulations, Catherine Wire!
July 13, 2022

Congratulations, Catherine Wire!

Encorus is pleased to announce that Catherine Wire has been promoted to Drafter II, as she has been increasing her knowledge of the role of drafting and how it fits…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureDraftingEmployeesNewsCongratulations, Cheyenne Ricley!
July 13, 2022

Congratulations, Cheyenne Ricley!

Encorus is pleased to announce that Cheyenne Ricley has been promoted to Drafter II, as she has been increasing her knowledge of the role of drafting and how it fits…
EmployeesEngineering DesignStructural EngineeringUncategorizedBleacher Design Services
July 13, 2022

Bleacher Design Services

As this summer progresses, there is a good chance you’ve sat down in some type of bleacher or grandstand for a sporting event, concert or some other occasion. If you’ve…
Electrical EngineeringEngineering DesignIn The FieldMechanical EngineeringNewsProject NewsBuffalo Outer Harbor Access and Activation Civic Improvement Project Park Design
July 6, 2022

Buffalo Outer Harbor Access and Activation Civic Improvement Project Park Design

As part of the project team tasked with designing a park area at Buffalo’s Outer Harbor, Encorus was able to help improve the area’s infrastructure.  Formerly an industrial area with…
Company CultureElectrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignStructural EngineeringWelcome to Encorus, Jon Wardner, E.I.T.!
June 28, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Jon Wardner, E.I.T.!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Jon Wardner, E.I.T. to our design team, as he begins his role as Associate Structural Engineer. Jon is a graduate of the University at…
EmployeesEngineering DesignFire Protection EngineeringIn The FieldNewsFire Alarm System Design
June 22, 2022

Fire Alarm System Design

Fire Alarm System Design Safety is one of the most important factors that engineers must consider when providing designs for any type of facility. One of the biggest safety hazards…
Engineering DesignStructural EngineeringHow can Encorus Group’s engineering team assist you: Structural Steel Services
June 15, 2022

How can Encorus Group’s engineering team assist you: Structural Steel Services

Company CultureElectrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignWelcome to Encorus, Sydney Steward!
June 13, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Sydney Steward!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Sydney Steward to our design team, as she begins her role as Process Engineer Intern. Sydney is currently attending the University at Buffalo where…
Engineering DesignMechanical EngineeringHow can Encorus Group’s engineering team assist you: Mechanical Engineering Services
June 1, 2022

How can Encorus Group’s engineering team assist you: Mechanical Engineering Services

Company CultureElectrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignWelcome to Encorus, Jonathan Surdej!
May 31, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Jonathan Surdej!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Jonathan Surdej to our design team, as he begins his role as Electrical Engineer Intern. Jonathan is currently attending the University at Buffalo where…
EmployeesEngineering DesignFire Protection EngineeringIn The FieldNewsHow can Encorus Group’s engineering team assist you: Fire Protection Engineering Services
May 25, 2022

How can Encorus Group’s engineering team assist you: Fire Protection Engineering Services

Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureElectrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignIn The FieldInspectionNewsStaff SpotlightWelcome to Encorus, Anthony Czapla!
May 23, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Anthony Czapla!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Anthony Czapla to our design team, as he begins his role as Associate Electrical Engineer. Anthony is a graduate of Buffalo State College and…
Electrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignIn The FieldNewsHow can Encorus Group’s engineering team assist you: Arc Flash Analysis
May 18, 2022

How can Encorus Group’s engineering team assist you: Arc Flash Analysis

Encorus Engineering Video Series: Arc Flash Analysis
Electrical EngineeringEngineering DesignIn The FieldNewsElectrical Arc Flash Analysis
May 11, 2022

Electrical Arc Flash Analysis

One of the services provided by Encorus Group is electrical arc flash analysis, which is a safety precaution used to prevent explosions in industrial settings which utilize high electrical voltage.…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Jackie Paddock!
May 3, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Jackie Paddock!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Jackie Paddock to our admin team, as she begins her role as Office Assistant. Jackie comes to Encorus with over 20 years experience in…
Electrical EngineeringEngineering DesignIn The FieldMechanical EngineeringNewsProject NewsUncategorizedOlympic Regional Development Authority Modernization
April 27, 2022

Olympic Regional Development Authority Modernization

Encorus is continuing its design services for the modernization of several structures owned by the Olympic Regional Development Authority in Lake Placid, NY. Construction is currently underway at the Olympic…
Roof Design & Replacement Services - Encorus Group Buffalo, NYArchitectureEmployeesEngineering DesignIn The FieldNewsProject NewsStructural EngineeringRoof Replacement Design Services
April 20, 2022

Roof Replacement Design Services

Roof Replacement Design Services Evaluating a roof and designing its replacement are complicated processes, as each project presents different challenges. Both architectural and structural engineering considerations are necessary in the…
Company CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignMechanical EngineeringStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Eric Gallion, PE
April 13, 2022

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Eric Gallion, PE

Eric Gallion was always interested in building and tinkering with stuff as a kid. Whether it was machines, cars, or anything mechanical, Eric was drawn to it. Early on in…
EmployeesEngineering DesignIn The FieldNewsProject NewsUncategorizedBNIA Glycol Treatment
April 6, 2022

BNIA Glycol Treatment

BNIA Glycol Treatment In a climate like Western New York’s, where winters can be harsh, a system to deice planes is essential to travel and commerce. Encorus Group assisted in…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureDraftingEmployeesMechanical EngineeringNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Cheyenne Ricley
March 23, 2022

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Cheyenne Ricley

Cheyenne Ricley credits both her brother and her father for being the biggest influences in her career choices. Her dad was a mechanic, and Cheyenne loved working in the garage…
Engineering DesignMechanical EngineeringProject NewsUncategorizedFord Gum Big League Chew Shredder Design
March 16, 2022

Ford Gum Big League Chew Shredder Design

Ford Gum Big League Chew Shredder Design Ford Gum & Machine Co., Inc. is a leader in the manufacture and distribution of chewing gum, gumballs, gumball machine banks, assorted confections…
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsEncorus Group is an AASHTO-accredited Laboratory
March 9, 2022

Encorus Group is an AASHTO-accredited Laboratory

Encorus Group is an AASHTO-accredited Laboratory AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) is the international leader in setting technical standards for all phases of highway system development.…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsWelcome to Encorus, Mike Harris!
March 2, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Mike Harris!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Mike Harris to our NDE team, as he begins his role as Supervisor of NDE. Mike comes to Encorus with 25 years of experience…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureElectrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsProject NewsStaff SpotlightEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Mike Wittenberg, PE
March 2, 2022

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Mike Wittenberg, PE

Growing up, Mike Wittenberg had a lot of career influences, none bigger than his family. His father worked in technical sales and his grandfather was an electrician. Mike learned a…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsWelcome to Encorus, Brendan Zimmerman!
February 28, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Brendan Zimmerman!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Brendan Zimmerman to our NDE team, as he begins his role as Junior NDE Inspector. Welcome to the team, Brendan!
EmployeesEngineering DesignFire Protection EngineeringNewsFire Protection Engineering Services
February 23, 2022

Fire Protection Engineering Services

Fire Protection Engineering Services Fire protection engineering is a design necessity - it is relevant to almost any building design, since it helps to prevent fire and keep buildings safe…
Engineering DesignFire Protection EngineeringNewsJames E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center Fire Pump Replacement Design
February 16, 2022

James E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center Fire Pump Replacement Design

James E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center Fire Pump Replacement Design For the protection of your facility against fire damage, fire sprinklers that work efficiently are vital. A properly functioning…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Mike O’Neill
February 9, 2022

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Mike O’Neill

Mike O’Neill loves interacting with people and creating that personal client relationship that is hard to find at some companies. Mike finds joy in communicating with customers and giving that…
EmployeesIn The FieldInspectionNDENewsProject NewsSki Chair Lift NDE Inspections
February 2, 2022

Ski Chair Lift NDE Inspections

Ski Chair Lift NDE Inspections If you’re a skier or snowboarder, you know how important the ski lift is to the operation of the slopes. In order to ensure the…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Ross Trainor
January 26, 2022

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Ross Trainor

Growing up, math and science were not among Ross Trainor’s favorite subjects in school. As he continued his education, he eventually began to enjoy and understand these subjects through hard…
gpr investigationCivil TestingEmployeesGPRIn The FieldNewsProject NewsUncategorizedHighmark Stadium GPR Investigation
January 19, 2022

Highmark Stadium GPR Investigation

Highmark Stadium GPR Investigation Ground penetrating radar is a geophysical locating method that uses radio waves to capture images below the surface of the ground in a minimally invasive way.…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsStructural EngineeringUncategorizedWelcome to Encorus, Matthew Stoffel, E.I.T.
January 17, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Matthew Stoffel, E.I.T.

Encorus Group would like to welcome Matthew Stoffel, E.I.T. to our design team, as he begins his role as Senior Structural Engineer in the Springville office. Matthew is a graduate…
Engineering DesignMechanical EngineeringNewsMechanical Engineering Services
January 12, 2022

Mechanical Engineering Services

Mechanical Engineering Services Mechanical engineering applies concepts from physics, engineering, and materials science for the design, production, operation, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It combines creativity, knowledge and analytical tools…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesNewsWelcome to Encorus, Chris Martin!
January 10, 2022

Welcome to Encorus, Chris Martin!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Chris Martin to our design team, as he begins his role as Associate Process Engineer in our West Seneca office. Chris is a graduate…
Awards & RecognitionEmployeesIn The FieldNewsStaff SpotlightUncategorizedEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Brian Kader
January 5, 2022

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Brian Kader

Brian Kader graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor’s Degree in broadcast journalism, and a concentration in psychology. He never had any intentions of entering the engineering field but the…
ArchitectureElectrical EngineeringEngineering DesignMechanical EngineeringNewsStructural EngineeringUncategorizedButler VA Medical Center Building 4 Upgrades
December 29, 2021

Butler VA Medical Center Building 4 Upgrades

The Butler VA Healthcare Center has history dating back to the 1930s. In 1937, the Pennsylvania Department of Health chose Butler as the site for a 500-bed sanitarium to treat…
cooler designElectrical EngineeringEngineering DesignIn The FieldMechanical EngineeringNewsProject ManagementProject NewsUncategorizedBuffalo VAMC Walk-In Cooler Design
December 15, 2021

Buffalo VAMC Walk-In Cooler Design

Buffalo VAMC Walk-In Cooler Design The Buffalo VA Medical Center was constructed in the late 1940s.  Some of the facility’s dietary refrigeration equipment had been renovated in 1990; some systems…
ArchitectureNewsUncategorizedArchitectural Services
December 8, 2021

Architectural Services

Architectural Services Architecture can be found on both the interior and exterior of every building or structure, and is an important part of modern infrastructure. The facets of an architect’s…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsStaff SpotlightStructural EngineeringEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Jerry Sullivan
December 1, 2021

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Jerry Sullivan

Growing up in a construction family, Jerry Sullivan learned early on in his life there was more to construction than the large cranes and earthmoving equipment he played on as…
In The FieldNDENewsProject NewsQuality AssuranceMagnetic Particle Non-Destructive Testing
November 24, 2021

Magnetic Particle Non-Destructive Testing

Magnetic Particle Non-Destructive Testing Magnetic Particle NDT is a process included in the range of nondestructive testing services that Encorus offers. This method is commonly used to test ferrous metal…
Electrical EngineeringEngineering DesignNewsProject NewsCataract Commons Electrical Support
November 10, 2021

Cataract Commons Electrical Support

Cataract Commons Electrical Support Old Falls Street in downtown Niagara Falls has been the focus of redevelopment efforts to reconnect the City of Niagara Falls to the Falls itself. This…
Engineering DesignMechanical EngineeringNewsPressure Vessel Design Services
November 3, 2021

Pressure Vessel Design Services

Pressure Vessel Design Services Most pressure vessels are designed to include safety features. Small­er vessels are often created with a “yield before break” design, which allows them to bend or…
Company CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignProject ManagementEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Steven Rakvica
October 27, 2021

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Steven Rakvica

Steven Rakvica began his career after graduating from Clarkson University as a Mechanical Engineer. He was first employed to design and provide field engineering for boilers and combustion systems used…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldMechanical EngineeringNewsProject NewsECHDC Outer Harbor Activation Project
October 20, 2021

ECHDC Outer Harbor Activation Project

Lead Mechanical Engineer, Evan Krug, PE discusses Encorus Group's involvement with the redesign and rehabilitation of Buffalo's Outer Harbor. Encorus Group partnered with TWMLA Landscape Architects on this project.
EmployeesEngineering DesignIn The FieldNewsProject NewsUncategorizedProcess Engineering Services
October 13, 2021

Process Engineering Services

Process Engineering Services Process engineering is the discipline responsible for designing, implementing and optimizing the processes that turn raw materials into an end product.  Determining the energy, chemicals and equipment…
Joe Lowry has received a Buffalo Business First 40 Under 40 AwardAwards & RecognitionEmployeesNewsUncategorizedJoe Lowry Earns 40 Under 40 Distinction
September 30, 2021

Joe Lowry Earns 40 Under 40 Distinction

We are proud to announce that Encorus Group's President, Joseph Lowry III, PE is the recipient of a 2021 Buffalo Business First 40 Under 40 Award.A graduate of the Rochester…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldNewsStructural EngineeringCUBRC Testing Facility Engineering Support
September 29, 2021

CUBRC Testing Facility Engineering Support

CUBRC Testing Facility Engineering Support CUBRC is a research, development, and testing company with headquarters in Cheektowaga, NY. The firm wanted to build a new 120 square foot structure, with…
GPRIn The FieldMechanical IntegrityNewsGround Penetrating Radar (GPR) Services
September 22, 2021

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Services

Ground Penetrating Radar Services Ground penetrating radar (GPR) uses radar pulses to determine if there are objects located under the surface. It can be used on dirt, stone, concrete, wood,…
Electrical EngineeringFire Protection EngineeringIn The FieldMechanical EngineeringNewsPlumbing DesignProject NewsFirst Buffalo River Marina Capital Improvements
September 8, 2021

First Buffalo River Marina Capital Improvements

First Buffalo River Marina Capital Improvements Encorus Group has been a part of the First Buffalo Marina Capital Improvements project in multiple capacities. In 2017, as part a team headed…
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsUncategorizedConcrete Testing Services
September 1, 2021

Concrete Testing Services

Concrete Testing Services Concrete is one of the most common materials used in construction, and is the building block for the foundations of various structures around the world. These structures…
Company CultureElectrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignStaff SpotlightEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Kevin Kuzius
August 25, 2021

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Kevin Kuzius

As a child, Kevin Kuzius always had a passion for science and mathematics with a desire to learn how things work. Helped along by influence from his family and friends,…
Company CultureEmployeesNewsStaff SpotlightWelcome Sandy Queeno!
August 23, 2021

Welcome Sandy Queeno!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Sandy Queeno to the team as she begins filling the Office Assistant role! She will be helping out around the Springville office. Welcome aboard,…
DraftingElectrical EngineeringIn The FieldNewsProject NewsBNIA Airport Glycol Treatment Upgrades
August 18, 2021

BNIA Airport Glycol Treatment Upgrades

BNIA Airport Glycol Treatment Upgrades In a climate like Western New York’s, where winters can be harsh, a system to deice planes is essential to travel and commerce.  Used deicing…
Machinery in FactoryForensic EngineeringIn The FieldNewsForensic Engineering Services
August 11, 2021

Forensic Engineering Services

Forensic Engineering Services Many people are familiar with the common types of engineering: civil, electrical, mechanical, environmental, structural, and so on. But one discipline that might not be so widely…
Company CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignMechanical EngineeringWelcome Valerie Brittin!
August 9, 2021

Welcome Valerie Brittin!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Valerie Brittin to our Project Management Office and Design team, as she begins her role as Project Engineer. Valerie is a graduate of Binghamton…
#GYCD18In The FieldNewsProject NewsExchange Street Amtrak Station Commissioning
July 28, 2021

Exchange Street Amtrak Station Commissioning

Exchange Street Amtrak Station Commissioning As a subconsultant to Mott MacDonald, Encorus provided commissioning services as described within the Energy Conservation Code, Section C408, for the new station. The former…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldNewsProject NewsProgress at the WIPP Site
July 22, 2021

Progress at the WIPP Site

We are always happy to see news about our projects! Encorus Group provided long-lead procurement for six 1,000 HP fans that are part of the Safety Significant Confinement Ventilation System…
Engineering DesignNewsProject NewsBuffalo VAMC Roof Replacement Project Highlight
July 14, 2021

Buffalo VAMC Roof Replacement Project Highlight

Buffalo VAMC Roof Replacement Project Highlight Encorus Group recently assisted the Department of Veterans Affairs in replacing the existing roof system at the Buffalo VA Medical Center. The campus has…
Awards & RecognitionEmployeesFire Protection EngineeringNewsUncategorizedCongratulations on Retirement John Allan!
July 13, 2021

Congratulations on Retirement John Allan!

Congratulations are in order for John Allan, who is retiring after 50 years as a fire protection specialist. John began his fire protection career in the US Air Force, and…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldNewsBuilding and Facility Automation Services
July 7, 2021

Building and Facility Automation Services

Building and Facility Automation Services Building automation has evolved over the past thirty years. At first, building automation usually consisted of motion sensors, light timers, dawn/dusk detectors for exterior lights,…
Civil TestingCompany CultureEmployeesNewsWelcome Ben Morakis!
July 6, 2021

Welcome Ben Morakis!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Ben Morakis to our Civil Materials Testing Group, as he begins his role as Engineering Technician. Ben will be working out of our Buffalo…
Company CultureEmployeesMechanical EngineeringEncorus Group Staff Spotlight: Ben Hrycik, PE
June 30, 2021

Encorus Group Staff Spotlight: Ben Hrycik, PE

When Ben Hrycik was a kid, any toy that was put together with screws or bolts was taken apart and put back together again repeatedly. When he got a little…
Company CultureEmployeesNewsWelcome Ross Trainor, PE!
June 29, 2021

Welcome Ross Trainor, PE!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Ross Trainor to our design team, as he begins his role as Process Lead! Ross is a graduate of the University at Buffalo and…
Portrait image of Steven Rakvica, the director of design here at Encorus GroupEmployeesNewsProject ManagementEncorus Group’s New Project Management Office
June 23, 2021

Encorus Group’s New Project Management Office

As part of our People & Projects series, PMO Lead Steve Rakvica explains the role of our new Project Management Office. Encorus Group's new Project Management Office - YouTube
Engineering DesignMechanical EngineeringNewsPlumbing DesignProject NewsSUNY Binghamton Science II Tower Plumbing Renovation
June 16, 2021

SUNY Binghamton Science II Tower Plumbing Renovation

SUNY Binghamton Science II Tower Plumbing Renovation The scope of this project included the continuation of plumbing systems design from the third floor and above for the gut renovation of…
Civil TestingEngineering DesignIn The FieldProject NewsStructural EngineeringSUNY Geneseo Sturges & Fraser Halls Renovations Phase 1
June 2, 2021

SUNY Geneseo Sturges & Fraser Halls Renovations Phase 1

SUNY Geneseo Sturges & Fraser Halls Renovations Phase 1 This project’s goal was to provide a design solution for a complete multi-phased renovation of Sturges & Fraser Halls on the…
Company CultureEmployeesMechanical IntegrityWelcome Joe Ramuchak!
May 17, 2021

Welcome Joe Ramuchak!

Encorus Group would like to welcome Joe Ramuchak to our Mechanical Integrity Group as MI Inspector. Joe will be working with our clients in the Pennsylvania area. His certifications include…
Engineering DesignEnvironmental ServicesIn The FieldNewsProject NewsNFTA Metro Light Rail Line Extension
May 12, 2021

NFTA Metro Light Rail Line Extension

NFTA Metro Light Rail Line Extension The purpose of this project was to extend the NFTA-Metro light rail line by 6.5 miles. The previous rail line, which was completed in…
structural beams of a buildingAwards & RecognitionCompany CultureDraftingEmployeesNewsCongratulations, Melissa White!
May 5, 2021

Congratulations, Melissa White!

Encorus is pleased to announce that Melissa White has been promoted to Designer, as she has been increasing her role and knowledge in the drafting group, and has become the…
In The FieldMechanical IntegrityNewsQuality AssuranceFitness for Service Evaluations
May 5, 2021

Fitness for Service Evaluations

Fitness for Service Evaluations Encorus’s Mechanical Integrity Group offers Fitness for Service evaluations to clients that have in-service equipment that needs to be examined.  A Fitness for Service, or FFS,…
Company CultureEnvironmental ServicesEarth Day
April 22, 2021

Earth Day

Earth Day 2021 Earth Day is a day that inspires trash pickups, water ways cleanups, and increased visibility of environmental causes. It falls on April 22, every year. It is…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldNewsSustainability in Manufacturing
April 21, 2021

Sustainability in Manufacturing

Sustainability in Manufacturing Written by Senior Electrical and Controls Engineer Geoff Chadwick. Sustainability is a broad term, but when it comes to manufacturing it can get even more complicated.  New…
Company CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsWelcome Dennis Ulmer!
April 19, 2021

Welcome Dennis Ulmer!

Encorus would like to welcome Dennis Ulmer to the Design Group as an Associate Mechanical Engineer. Dennis graduated from RIT with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Welcome to Encorus,…
Company CultureEmployeesNewsWelcome Allison Lippert!
April 19, 2021

Welcome Allison Lippert!

Encorus would like to welcome Allison Lippert to the Design Team as an Associate Architect. She is a graduate of Alfred State College, where she earned her Bachelor's Degree in…
Engineering DesignFire Protection EngineeringIn The FieldNewsFire Suppression Systems
April 14, 2021

Fire Suppression Systems

Fire Suppression Systems When someone hears the term “fire suppression system”, they might automatically think of a sprinkler system that sprays water from the ceiling when it detects fire. In…
Company CultureElectrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsStaff Spotlight: Tom Gilmartin, PE, LEED AP
April 7, 2021

Staff Spotlight: Tom Gilmartin, PE, LEED AP

Tom Gilmartin has loved math and science as long as he’s been able to think.  He has never been a "theoretical" scientist though; rather, he is a tinkerer.  This led…
Electrical EngineeringEngineering DesignFire Protection EngineeringIn The FieldMechanical EngineeringProject NewsStructural EngineeringCanandaigua VA Medical Center Fire Station Design
March 31, 2021

Canandaigua VA Medical Center Fire Station Design

Canandaigua VA Medical Center Fire Station Design Encorus was tasked with providing architectural and engineering designs for an upgrade to the existing fire department building at the Canandaigua VA Medical…
Civil TestingIn The FieldMechanical IntegrityNewsQuality AssuranceA Look at NICET Certifications
March 24, 2021

A Look at NICET Certifications

NICET Certifications NICET stands for National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies, and is a division of NSPE, the National Society of Professional Engineers. This institution was put into place…
Electrical EngineeringEngineering DesignNewsAutomation
March 10, 2021


Automation Written by Senior Electrical and Controls Engineer Geoff Chadwick For manufacturers, the word “automation” invokes varied emotions depending on who you ask.  Organizations such as the ISA and CSIA…
Engineering DesignNewsProject NewsOlympic Regional Development Authority Lake Placid Olympic Center Modernization
March 3, 2021

Olympic Regional Development Authority Lake Placid Olympic Center Modernization

Olympic Regional Development Authority Lake Placid Olympic Center Modernization Encorus was contracted by prime consultant Cannon Design to provide design services for the modernization of several structures owned by ORDA…
Electrical EngineeringEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsStaff Spotlight: Geoff Chadwick
February 24, 2021

Staff Spotlight: Geoff Chadwick

As far back as Geoff Chadwick can remember, he was always taking things apart and putting them back together. When things broke and he was told they couldn’t afford a…
EmployeesEngineering DesignIn The FieldNewsProject NewsStructural EngineeringPeople & Projects: Dan Sarata, PE
February 17, 2021

People & Projects: Dan Sarata, PE

As part of our new People & Projects series, Lead Structural Engineer Dan Sarata, PE discusses the challenges involved in the CUBRC Vacuum Sphere Relocation project:  
Steam Trap Surveys & Insulation Surveys - EncorusIn The FieldMechanical IntegrityNewsSteam Trap and Insulation Surveys
February 10, 2021

Steam Trap and Insulation Surveys

Steam Trap and Insulation Surveys Encorus Group’s Mechanical Integrity Group offers steam trap and insulation surveys to increase the energy efficiency of buildings. Steam traps are used in steam transport…
EmployeesEngineering DesignNewsStaff Spotlight: Andy Wiedemann, PE
February 3, 2021

Staff Spotlight: Andy Wiedemann, PE

Andy Wiedemann, PE is a Fire Protection Engineer at Encorus Group. He started as a Mechanical Engineer, and in recent years has transitioned to take on the related role of…
Company CultureEmployeesNewsUncategorizedWelcome Kevin Kuzius!
January 29, 2021

Welcome Kevin Kuzius!

Encorus would like to welcome Kevin Kuzius to the Design Team as an Associate Electrical Engineer. He is a graduate of University of Central Florida where he earned his Bachelor's…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldProject NewsBuffalo Outer Harbor Access and Activation Civic Improvement Project Park Design
January 27, 2021

Buffalo Outer Harbor Access and Activation Civic Improvement Project Park Design

Buffalo Outer Harbor Access and Activation Civic Improvement Project Park Design Encorus provided mechanical and electrical engineering support for the design of a park area at the Buffalo Outer Harbor…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldElectrical Arc Flash Analysis
January 20, 2021

Electrical Arc Flash Analysis

Electrical Arc Flash Analysis Electrical arc flash analysis is a service provided by Encorus’s electrical engineering department.   Arc flash analysis is a safety precaution used to prevent explosions in industrial…
Encorus Group logoCivil TestingEngineering DesignEnvironmental ServicesMechanical EngineeringMechanical IntegrityNDENewsFun Fact Friday: The Year In Review
December 25, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: The Year In Review

Want a quick recap of Encorus Group's four service divisions and what they do? Read this!
Encorus Holiday 2020Company CultureNewsGiving Back This Holiday Season
December 21, 2020

Giving Back This Holiday Season

Encorus had the opportunity to give back to the community by adopting a family this holiday season.
NFPA 101: Life Safety Code - EncorusEngineering DesignIn The FieldNewsNFPA 101: Life Safety Code
December 18, 2020

NFPA 101: Life Safety Code

NFPA 101: Life Safety Code One of the most important responsibilities that engineers have is to provide for the safety, health, and welfare of the public. Throughout history, especially in…
In The FieldNewsProject NewsCUBRC Sphere Relocation
December 17, 2020

CUBRC Sphere Relocation

CUBRC Sphere Relocation CUBRC’s Aeroscience team has completed a major milestone in the development of its newest capability.  Over last weekend, the team moved the large (65’ diameter) vacuum sphere…
In The FieldNewsWhy Manufacturing Automation Needs the Human Touch
December 11, 2020

Why Manufacturing Automation Needs the Human Touch

Why Manufacturing Automation Needs the Human Touch Many manufacturers are looking to automation as a way to compete with other parts of the world with lower labor costs and less…
NewsUncategorizedRemote Flexibility
November 27, 2020

Remote Flexibility

Offering Work-from-Home Flexibility to Plant-Floor Workers Many employees feel squeezed between a need to earn a living, and the need to keep themselves and their families safe. The answer for…
In The FieldNewsDark Factory
November 20, 2020

Dark Factory

Is the "Dark Factory" the Future of Manufacturing? - Part 1 By Tom Gilmartin, PE Recently many employers have had to limit the number of people on their premises. Some…
NewsHow to Deal with Data Fog
November 13, 2020

How to Deal with Data Fog

Operational data is cheap, but management time is not By Tom Gilmartin, PE In a previous article, we talked about “data fog” – the vast cloud of data emitted by…
NewsData Fog
November 6, 2020

Data Fog

Break through data fog to get the operational insights you need By Thomas Gilmartin, P.E. Imagine driving on a dark, pre-dawn morning – and the fog is so thick you…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldNewsUncategorizedConcrete Anchors
October 23, 2020

Concrete Anchors

The Understated Importance of Concrete Anchors Concrete anchors are an essential design component for fastening structural items to reinforced concrete or masonry. Anchors are used to attach steel members to…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldMechanical EngineeringProject NewsHVAC Commissioning
October 16, 2020

HVAC Commissioning

HVAC Commissioning Whether required by code or desired by a building owner, the HVAC commissioning process is an important tool used to verify that building systems are designed, specified, and…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldMechanical EngineeringNewsFire Suppression Systems
October 9, 2020

Fire Suppression Systems

Fire Suppression Systems When someone hears the term “fire suppression system”, they might automatically think of a sprinkler system that sprays water from the ceiling when it detects fire. In…
Company CultureEmployeesNewsWelcome Catherine Wire!
October 8, 2020

Welcome Catherine Wire!

Encorus would like to welcome Catherine Wire to our Design Group as a Drafter! Catherine is a graduate of Niagara Community College with an Associate's Degree in Computer Aided Drafting…
Awards & RecognitionCompany CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignMechanical EngineeringCongratulations, Evan Krug, PE!
October 8, 2020

Congratulations, Evan Krug, PE!

Encorus would like to officially congratulate Evan Krug, PE, on his promotion to Mechanical Lead! Congrats, Evan!
Engineering DesignIn The FieldMechanical EngineeringNewsNegative Pressure Rooms in Hospitals
October 2, 2020

Negative Pressure Rooms in Hospitals

Negative Pressure Rooms in Hospitals The widespread transmission of COVID-19 across the world has rapidly increased the demand for and importance of specialized ventilation in hospital rooms. Thankfully, there have…
In The FieldNDENewsEncorus Is On a Roll!
September 25, 2020

Encorus Is On a Roll!

Did you know that Encorus has a mobile dark room that is used when our technicians need to read x-rays after performing radiographic testing? Kevin Donner is pictured reviewing x-ray…
In The FieldNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Varied Work Environments
September 18, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Varied Work Environments

Varied Work Environments Did you know that our NDE Inspectors perform testing on equipment that is located outside, as well as indoor equipment? This means that they are subject to…
In The FieldNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Video Borescope Testing
September 11, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Video Borescope Testing

Borescope Testing This image shows Encorus’s Pete Gentile performing video borescope testing at a food processing facility. Video borescope testing is a form of visual inspection (VT), that is conducted…
In The FieldNDENewsFun Photo Friday: Liquid Dye Penetrant Testing
September 4, 2020

Fun Photo Friday: Liquid Dye Penetrant Testing

Liquid Dye Penetrant Testing Encorus’s Technician Chad Schwartz is performing SNT TC1a Level II Liquid Dye Penetrant Testing on an aluminum rotor wheel for Dimar Manufacturing. Liquid Dye Penetrant Testing…
In The FieldMechanical IntegrityNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Thermography Testing
August 28, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Thermography Testing

Thermography Testing Encorus offers a variety of NDE services, including Thermography Testing. Officially adopted by the American Society for Nondestructive Testing in 1992, this method is one of the quicker…
In The FieldNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Differences Between Popular Methods of NDT
August 21, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Differences Between Popular Methods of NDT

Non-destructive testing (NDT), also known as non-destructive examination (NDE), is an extremely useful tool for completing inspections without damaging the equipment being inspected. The purpose of these tests is to…
In The FieldNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Photo Edition
August 14, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Photo Edition

Did you know that multiple different NDE testing methods may be needed to detect flaws on a single piece of equipment? Taking the steps to perform these tests ensures that all…
Company CultureEmployeesNewsUncategorizedWelcome George Reinhardt, RA!
August 13, 2020

Welcome George Reinhardt, RA!

Encorus would like to welcome George Reinhardt, RA as Senior Architect! George brings over 40 years of experience in the architectural field. Welcome to the Team, George!
Mechanical IntegrityNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Magnetic Flux Leakage – A Polarizing Topic
August 7, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Magnetic Flux Leakage – A Polarizing Topic

Magnetic Flux Leakage Magnetic Flux Leakage testing is another form of non-destructive examination that is offered by Encorus. This testing process is used to determine if and where there is…
NDENewsFun Fact Friday: Ultrasonic Shearwave Testing
July 31, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Ultrasonic Shearwave Testing

Ultrasonic Shearwave Testing Ultrasonic Shearwave Testing (UT), also referred to as Ultrasonic Thickness Testing, is another type of non-destructive examination. This procedure is similar to the type of medical ultrasound…
Company CultureEmployeesNewsWelcome Tom Weisbeck, CSP!
July 28, 2020

Welcome Tom Weisbeck, CSP!

Encorus Group is happy to announce that Tom Weisbeck, CSP, is joining our team as Safety Manager! Tom brings over 20 years of experience in the risk management and safety…
In The FieldNDEFun Fact Friday: Magnetic Particle Testing
July 24, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Magnetic Particle Testing

Magnetic Particle Testing Magnetic Particle Testing is another process included in the range of nondestructive testing services that Encorus offers. This method is commonly used to test metal objects for…
NDENewsFun Fact Friday: Liquid Penetrant Testing
July 17, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Liquid Penetrant Testing

This week’s Fun Fact Friday will focus on Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT) and Examination, one of the Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) inspection services that Encorus Group offers. LPT is used to…
NDENewsFun Fact Friday: NDE Certifications
July 10, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: NDE Certifications

Nondestructive Certifications Nondestructive examination encompasses many specialized testing areas, including liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, ultrasonic, visual and radiographic testing. Trained inspectors performing these tests are able to identify flaws in…
In The FieldNDEFun Fact Friday: Certified Welding Inspectors
July 2, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Certified Welding Inspectors

Certified Welding Inspectors This week’s Fun Fact Friday will be a Thoughtful Tidbit Thursday due to the holiday this weekend. We are shifting focus from Mechanical Integrity to our NDE…
An Encorus employee prepares radiography equipmentMechanical IntegrityNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Computed Radiography
June 26, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Computed Radiography

Most people think of medical x-rays when they hear the term radiography. Industrial radiography is much the same thing, except that it is used to examine pipes, structures, and other…
Ford Water TowerMechanical IntegrityNDENewsFun Fact Friday: NACE Coatings Inspections
June 19, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: NACE Coatings Inspections

NACE CIP inspections are used to examine protective coatings on structures such as towers, tanks, piping, vessels, and bridges.
Image of GPR screenMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: Uncovering the Mysteries Beneath
June 12, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Uncovering the Mysteries Beneath

Ground penetrating radar is a useful tool in both traditional and unusual situations.
Company CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsWelcome Geoff Chadwick!
June 11, 2020

Welcome Geoff Chadwick!

Encorus would like to welcome Geoff Chadwick! Geoff will be joining the Engineering Design Group as Senior Electrical and Controls Engineer. He brings over 20 years of experience in electrical engineering,…
Company CultureEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsWelcome Mike Wittenberg, PE!
June 9, 2020

Welcome Mike Wittenberg, PE!

Encorus Group would like to extend a warm welcome to Mike Wittenberg, PE! Mike is joining the team as a Senior Electrical Engineer in the Engineering Design Group. He has…
Mechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: Types of Mechanical Integrity Inspections
June 5, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Types of Mechanical Integrity Inspections

There are many types of mechanical integrity inspections, including API, STI, PADEP, NACE, CWI, NYSDEC, and more. Learn what all these acronyms mean!
Caution SignMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: Administrative Controls
May 29, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Administrative Controls

Last week we talked about Process Safety Management, which is the overall approach to following accepted standards and managing hazards. On the Hierarchy of Controls, this would be a part…
Interior of process facilityMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: OSHA Process Safety Management Compliance
May 22, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: OSHA Process Safety Management Compliance

Process Safety Management is an approach to following standards and managing the hazards associated with the chemical, petroleum, and manufacturing industries.
Company CultureEmployeesNewsWelcome Steven Rakvica!
May 20, 2020

Welcome Steven Rakvica!

Encorus is happy to announce that Steven Rakvica has joined our team as Project Manager. Welcome, Steven!
Mechanical IntegrityNewsAPI Inspections
May 18, 2020

API Inspections

API inspections are important in the petroleum and chemical industries.
Experienced API InspectorsMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: Why Should You Hire An Experienced API Inspector?
May 15, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Why Should You Hire An Experienced API Inspector?

It is important that the API inspector you hire is experienced and knowledgeable.
D'Youville College Health Professions HubCivil TestingIn The FieldNewsUncategorizedEncorus On-Site at New D’Youville College Health Professions Hub
May 13, 2020

Encorus On-Site at New D’Youville College Health Professions Hub

Encorus Group is pleased to be a part of the new D'Youville College Health Professions Hub at Connecticut Street and West Avenue in Buffalo, NY!
Certified Inspectors on the JobMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: Mechanical Integrity Certifications
May 8, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Mechanical Integrity Certifications

Mechanical Integrity Certifications Last week we talked about why having a mechanical integrity program in place can be beneficial, versus simply complying with the required inspection guidelines. This week, we…
Mechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: Why Should Your Business Have a Mechanical Integrity Program?
May 1, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Why Should Your Business Have a Mechanical Integrity Program?

Having a mechanical integrity program in place for your business means that potential problems can be approached proactively, offering a number of benefits to your business.
Bhopal Plant DisasterMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: The Reason for the Rules
April 24, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: The Reason for the Rules

Some industries are heavily regulated. This might seem like a burden to businesses, but it was disasters like the Bhopal, India plant gas leak and Love Canal in Niagara Falls,…
Encorus Group Mechanical Integrity ServicesMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: Meet the Mechanical Integrity Team
April 17, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Meet the Mechanical Integrity Team

Meet Encorus Group's team of Mechanical Integrity Inspectors!
Mechanical Integrity InspectionsMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: Introduction to Mechanical Integrity Services
April 10, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Introduction to Mechanical Integrity Services

Encorus Group offers mechanical integrity inspections - learn what that means in this article.
Sieves for aggregate sortingCivil TestingIn The FieldFun Fact Friday: Sieving Fine and Coarse Aggregate
March 27, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Sieving Fine and Coarse Aggregate

Learn about fine and coarse aggregate sieving in this Fun Fact Friday.
Civil TestingNewsFun Fact Friday: The Aggregate 200 Wash
March 20, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: The Aggregate 200 Wash

The 200 Aggregate Wash is an important part of aggregate testing.
Drying Aggregate Samples - Aggregate Moisture Content Calculation - EncorusCivil TestingNewsFun Fact Friday: Aggregate Moisture Content Testing
March 6, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Aggregate Moisture Content Testing

Aggregate moisture testing is important in construction, and there are several ways to perform it.
Aggregate includes stone, gravel, recycled concrete, slag, and moreCivil TestingNewsFun Fact Friday: Aggregate Sampling
February 28, 2020

Fun Fact Friday: Aggregate Sampling

Aggregate Sampling The next series of Fun Fact Friday posts will be an aggregate of knowledge about aggregates! What makes aggregates so important?  Well, as an important component of concrete,…
Channel 4 interviewed Encorus staffEmployeesNewsEncorus Announcements
February 21, 2020

Encorus Announcements

Encorus has a new website, and some of our female employees were recently interviewed by News 4 Reporter Kelsey Anderson about the challenges faced by women in STEM careers.
compressive strength testing equipmentCivil TestingNewsThe End of the Road for Concrete Test Specimens: Compressive Strength Testing
February 14, 2020

The End of the Road for Concrete Test Specimens: Compressive Strength Testing

Sampling and testing concrete is all done for one purpose: breaking it.
Technician marking concrete samples for field curingCivil TestingNewsMaking and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field
January 31, 2020

Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field

Specific procedures must be followed during concrete sampling to ensure accurate and consistent results.
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsHow to Determine the Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete and Why it is Important
January 24, 2020

How to Determine the Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete and Why it is Important

How to Determine the Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete In the civil materials testing industry, there are several testing methods that can be applied at construction sites. This article…
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsHow Cold Weather Impacts the Structural Integrity of Concrete
January 17, 2020

How Cold Weather Impacts the Structural Integrity of Concrete

How Cold Weather Impacts the Structural Integrity of Concrete As a Western New York-based firm, we are no strangers to cold weather. The temperature has a daily impact on our…
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsWhy Concrete Testing is Essential for New Construction Projects
January 10, 2020

Why Concrete Testing is Essential for New Construction Projects

Why Concrete Testing is Essential for New Construction Projects Concrete is one of the most common materials that is used in construction as the building blocks for the foundations of…
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsHow Civil Materials Testing Maximizes Construction Schedules and Budgets
January 3, 2020

How Civil Materials Testing Maximizes Construction Schedules and Budgets

How Civil Materials Testing Maximizes Construction Schedules and Budgets New construction developments are often considered to be high stake projects that require adherence to strict budgets and timelines over the…
Civil TestingIn The FieldFun Fact Friday: Atterberg Limits Testing
December 27, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Atterberg Limits Testing

Atterberg Limits Testing Atterberg Limits Testing is just one of the testing methods that Encorus’s Civil Testing Group uses to determine properties of soil. According to ASTM International, Atterberg Testing…
Andy Wiedemann Earns PE LicenseAwards & RecognitionEmployeesEngineering DesignNewsCongratulations, Andy Wiedemann!
December 23, 2019

Congratulations, Andy Wiedemann!

Encorus Group's Andrew Wiedemann has passed the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam in fire protection.
Engineering DesignIn The FieldNewsControl Systems Engineering
December 20, 2019

Control Systems Engineering

Control Systems Engineering One of the lesser known services that Encorus Group offers is control systems engineering design. This discipline is relatively broad, so Senior Electrical Engineer Tom Gilmartin elaborates…
Encorus employees celebrate the holidaysCompany CultureEmployeesNewsHappy Holidays!
December 17, 2019

Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays from the Encorus family to yours!
Engineering DesignIn The FieldNewsFun Fact Friday: Forensic Engineering
December 6, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Forensic Engineering

Forensic Engineering Many people are familiar with the common types of engineering: civil, electrical, mechanical, environmental, structural, and so on. But one discipline that might not be so widely known…
Engineering DesignNewsQuality AssuranceFun Fact Friday: Shipping Container Evaluations
November 22, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Shipping Container Evaluations

Shipping Container Evaluations Encorus’s Structural Engineering department provides more than just structural designs. One of our many capabilities is shipping container evaluations. Our shipping container evaluations have been requested by…
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Testing - EncorusEnvironmental ServicesIn The FieldNewsFun Fact Friday: Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Testing
November 15, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Testing

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Testing Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing is a method of measuring the strength of loose soil that has not been disturbed, or compacted materials under existing field…
Environmental ServicesIn The FieldNewsFun Fact Friday: NEPA Review
November 8, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: NEPA Review

One of the several environmental services that Encorus offers is a NEPA review. NEPA is a very important component in the environmental engineering field, but many non-environmental engineers may not…
Company CultureEmployeesNewsWelcome Nick Schuster!
November 4, 2019

Welcome Nick Schuster!

Encorus would like to welcome Nick Schuster to our Mechanical Integrity Group!
In The FieldNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Liquid Penetrant Testing
November 1, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Liquid Penetrant Testing

Liquid Penetrant Testing This week’s Fun Fact Friday will focus on Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT) and Examination, one of the Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) inspection services that Encorus Group offers. LPT…
Engineering DesignNewsFun Fact Friday: Life Safety Code Evaluations and Assessments
October 25, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Life Safety Code Evaluations and Assessments

We hear the term “life safety” often in the architectural and engineering world, but what does it mean to everyday people? Life safety is all about protecting yourself and others…
Computed Radiography NDT vs. Traditional - EncorusIn The FieldNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Computed Radiography vs Traditional Radiography
October 18, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Computed Radiography vs Traditional Radiography

Computed Radiography vs Traditional Radiography Radiography is one of the several methods of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) offered by the skilled technicians at Encorus. There are two different methods of conducting…
In The FieldMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: What Are API Certifications and Why Are They Important?
October 11, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: What Are API Certifications and Why Are They Important?

What Are API Certifications and Why Are They Important? The American Petroleum Institute, or API for short, is a national trade association which represents all facets of the natural gas…
Mechanical IntegrityNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Non-Destructive Testing Methods for Steel Pipes
October 4, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Non-Destructive Testing Methods for Steel Pipes

Non-Destructive Testing Methods for Steel Pipes Non-destructive testing (NDT), also known as non-destructive examination (NDE), is an extremely useful tool for completing inspections without damaging the equipment being inspected. The…
Encorus employees Jerry Sullivan, Dana Pezzimenti, and Joe Lowry try not to get soaked in the water balloon tossCompany CultureNewsEncorus Fall Family Picnic 2019
October 2, 2019

Encorus Fall Family Picnic 2019

Encorus recently held their seventh annual Fall Family Picnic.
Civil TestingIn The FieldNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Qualifications and Importance of Certified Welding Inspectors
September 27, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Qualifications and Importance of Certified Welding Inspectors

Qualifications and Importance of Certified Welding Inspectors A certified welding inspector must have a combination of qualifying education and work experience, with documentation to support. According to the American Welding…
Encorus Group logoMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: Fitness for Service Evaluations
September 20, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Fitness for Service Evaluations

Fitness for Service Evaluations A Fitness for Service, or FFS, evaluation is a standard evaluation used by the oil, gas, and chemical processing industries to determine the condition of in-service…
Environmental ServicesNewsUncategorizedFun Fact Friday: The Importance of Professional Guidance Through the Environmental Permitting Process
September 13, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: The Importance of Professional Guidance Through the Environmental Permitting Process

The Importance of Professional Guidance Through the Environmental Permitting Process Many levels of government have their own sets of environmental regulations and permit requirements applicable to business owners, land developers,…
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsFun Fact Friday: The Importance of Floor Flatness and Levelness Testing
September 6, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: The Importance of Floor Flatness and Levelness Testing

The Importance of Floor Flatness and Levelness Testing Floor Flatness and Floor Levelness can be critical to the safety of people and equipment, especially in areas with high foot and…
Environmental ServicesIn The FieldNewsFun Fact Friday: Environmental Site Assessments
August 30, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Environmental Site Assessments

Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) are procedures which have been developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) to evaluate environmental issues at a…
Engineering DesignMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: Pressure Vessels and Their Uses
August 23, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Pressure Vessels and Their Uses

Pressure Vessels and Their Uses A pressure vessel is a specially designed container that holds liquids, vapors, or gases at substantially high pressures. These vessels are often used in the…
Encorus Wins 4th Consecutive Buffalo Fast Track AwardAwards & RecognitionNewsEncorus Among Western New York’s Ten Fastest Growing Companies
August 21, 2019

Encorus Among Western New York’s Ten Fastest Growing Companies

Encorus received its fourth Fast Track Award, honoring Western New York's fastest growing companies.
ASME logoEngineering DesignNewsQuality AssuranceFun Fact Friday: ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program
August 16, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program

ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program Encorus is proud to offer guaranteed reliability through our established American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Nuclear Quality Assurance Program (NQA-1). Lindse Runge, one of…
In The FieldMechanical IntegrityNewsFun Fact Friday: The Importance of Risk-Based Inspections
August 9, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: The Importance of Risk-Based Inspections

The Importance of Risk-Based Inspections Inspections are a key part of any commercial facility, and an important part of maintenance for many personal properties as well. It’s important to ensure…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldNewsProject NewsEncorus Travels to Leeds
August 9, 2019

Encorus Travels to Leeds

Encorus is in Leeds! Massachusetts, that is. Employees traveled to the Northampton VA Medical Center in Leeds, MA to assess the condition of masonry, exterior walls, and roofs. The objective…
Engineering DesignNewsPublications“Smart Fire Detection Systems” Article Published in American City & County Magazine
August 8, 2019

“Smart Fire Detection Systems” Article Published in American City & County Magazine

American City and County magazine recently published an article by Encorus Group's John Allan which discusses the importance of automatic fire detection and suppression systems for the protection of municipal…
Engineering DesignThe 5 Structural Engineering Principles Of Jenga
August 2, 2019

The 5 Structural Engineering Principles Of Jenga

The 5 Structural Engineering Principles Of Jenga The concepts of structural engineering can be observed in many things that people commonly deal with on a daily basis, including buildings, bridges,…
Radiographic and ultrasonic weld testing are valuable non-destructive testing tools.NDENewsQuality AssuranceFun Fact Friday: The Differences Between Radiographic & Ultrasonic Weld Testing
July 26, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: The Differences Between Radiographic & Ultrasonic Weld Testing

Inspectors use both radiographic and ultrasonic weld testing to determine weld integrity, but the two types have important differences.
Engineering DesignNewsFun Fact Friday: National Lightning Safety Awareness Week
June 28, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: National Lightning Safety Awareness Week

National Lightning Safety Awareness Week This week, June 23 – 29 is National Lightning Safety Awareness Week. According to the Lightning Safety Council, “National Lightning Safety Awareness Week was started…
Engineering DesignFire Protection EngineeringUnderstanding Firewalls vs. Fire Barriers
June 27, 2019

Understanding Firewalls vs. Fire Barriers

Firewalls vs. Fire Barriers Firewalls and fire barriers are both designed to prevent a fire from spreading, but these often-confused structures are actually quite different. Ideally, firewalls and fire barriers…
computer-aided engineering and its advantages text imageEngineering DesignComputer-aided Engineering and Its Advantages
June 26, 2019

Computer-aided Engineering and Its Advantages

Computer-aided Engineering Professionals in a wide range of industries turn to computer-aided engineering to assist with product design, development, and testing. Its ability to help resolve a number of engineering…
Engineering DesignNewsFun Fact Friday: Differentiating Electrical Engineering Terms
June 21, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Differentiating Electrical Engineering Terms

Electrical Engineering One of the core engineering design services that Encorus offers is electrical engineering. Tom Gilmartin shares some information about different electrical engineering terms and what they mean. Power…
NewsFun Fact Friday: Cost Estimating for Hazardous Materials
June 14, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Cost Estimating for Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Materials Encorus Group offers cost estimating services for projects, and one of the most important construction costs to consider is hazardous materials identification. This may come as a surprise,…
Company CultureNewsCorporate Challenge 2019
June 14, 2019

Corporate Challenge 2019

Congratulations to Encorus Group's 2019 Corporate Challenge team! Front: Mary Padasak, Tom Gilmartin Standing: Joe Lowry, Dough Acquard, Brian Tomczyk, Jack Wolff, Dan Sullivan, Ben Hrycik, Jeff Scott, Jen Gugino
Mechanical IntegrityNewsEncorus to Offer NBIC Inspections
June 11, 2019

Encorus to Offer NBIC Inspections

NBIC: National Board Inspector Certification Do you know if your pressure vessel is in compliance with Pennsylvania boiler and unfired pressure vessel law? If not, Encorus's Mechanical Integrity Group can…
EmployeesMechanical IntegrityNewsPublicationsKeith Taylor Published in “Occupational Health & Safety” Magazine
June 6, 2019

Keith Taylor Published in “Occupational Health & Safety” Magazine

Encorus Group's Director of Mechanical Integrity authored an article published in the June 2019 issue of "Occupational Safety & Health" magazine.
Engineering DesignMechanical EngineeringNewsFun Fact Friday: Air Handling Units (AHUs)
May 31, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Air Handling Units (AHUs)

Air Handling Units With summer (hopefully) on its way, you may start thinking about the air temperature in your home or office. We’re lucky to have the technology to regulate…
Engineering DesignNewsFun Fact Friday: Fire Alarm Design
May 24, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Fire Alarm Design

Fire Alarm Design Safety is one of the most important factors that engineers must consider when providing designs for any type of facility. One of the biggest safety hazards to…
Engineering DesignNewsFun Fact Friday: Bleacher Design
May 17, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Bleacher Design

Bleacher Design If you’re a sports fan, you’ve probably spent a lot of time in the bleachers. If you’ve attended a concert or event at our local Erie County Fairgrounds,…
The Advantages of Finite Element Analysis in Mechanical Engineering - Encorus GroupMechanical EngineeringThe Advantages of Finite Element Analysis in Mechanical Engineering
May 13, 2019

The Advantages of Finite Element Analysis in Mechanical Engineering

Finite element analysis is a systematic approach that breaks down a mechanical product or component into a number of discrete pieces calculating the response of a complex shape.
Engineering DesignIn The FieldNewsFun Fact Friday: Manufacturing Process
May 10, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Manufacturing Process

Control Systems Engineering Design One of the lesser known services that Encorus Group offers is control systems engineering design. This discipline is relatively broad, so Senior Electrical Engineer Tom Gilmartin…
Engineering DesignEnvironmental ServicesNewsFun Fact Friday: Civil and Environmental Engineering
May 3, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil and Environmental Engineering: Disciplines that Intertwine to Improve Society Two of the several services offered by Encorus Group are civil and environmental engineering. Environmental engineer Mary Padasak gives some…
Certified Inspectors on the JobIn The FieldMechanical IntegrityNewsOperational Benefits From Mechanical Integrity Inspections
April 30, 2019

Operational Benefits From Mechanical Integrity Inspections

Mechanical integrity inspections may be a legal or regulatory requirement, but they can also help gain higher efficiency and help with financial planning
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsFun Fact Friday: EIFS Inspections
April 26, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: EIFS Inspections

Exterior Insulated Finishing System Inspections One of the many services offered by Encorus Group’s Civil Materials Testing & Inspection Group is EIFS inspections. According to ASTM international, EIFS, or Exterior…
Engineering DesignNewsFun Fact Friday: Electrical Arc Flash Analysis
April 19, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Electrical Arc Flash Analysis

One of the services provided by Encorus’s Engineering Design Group is electrical arc flash analysis. Electrical arc flash analyses are a safety precaution used to prevent explosions in industrial settings…
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsFun Fact Friday: Petrographic Testing
April 12, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Petrographic Testing

Petrographic Testing When building any type of structure, it is important to make sure that the materials you are using are structurally sound to guarantee the integrity and longevity of…
Awards & RecognitionEngineering DesignNewsGlobal Day of the Engineer
April 3, 2019

Global Day of the Engineer

  Encorus and Director of Engineering Design Tom Gilmartin, PE, PMP, LEED AP, had the opportunity to be featured on WKBW Channel 7 Eyewitness News for Global Day of the…
Civil TestingNewsFun Fact Friday: Atterberg Limits Testing
March 29, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Atterberg Limits Testing

Atterberg Limits Testing is just one of the testing methods that Encorus’s Civil Testing Group uses to determine properties of soil. According to ASTM International, Atterberg Testing Limits are six…
Engineering DesignNewsFun Fact Friday: Fire Protection Engineering
March 22, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Fire Protection Engineering

One of the in-house design services offered by Encorus Group is fire protection engineering. This discipline is relevant to almost any building design since it helps to prevent fire and…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldNewsWhat Is Drafting In Engineering?
March 15, 2019

What Is Drafting In Engineering?

What Is Drafting In Engineering? For this week’s Fun Fact Friday, we will focus on one of the more technical aspects of engineering: drafting. Encorus Drafter Doug Acquard gave us…
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsFun Fact Friday: Photo Edition
March 8, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Photo Edition

Fun Fact Friday: Photo Edition Did you know that wind turbines can be 300 to 400 feet tall and weigh up to about 350 tons? Encorus has had hands-on experience…
Engineering DesignEnvironmental ServicesNewsFun Fact Friday: SPCC Plans
March 1, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: SPCC Plans

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plans One of the environmental engineering services that Encorus Group offer is the creation of an SPCC Plan. Environmental Engineer Mary Padasak gave us some…
Company CultureEmployeesNewsFun Fact Friday: Meet the Fresh Faces of Encorus Group
February 22, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Meet the Fresh Faces of Encorus Group

Encorus has experienced an increase in growth, especially in the number of our employees. Most recently, Encorus has brought on John Bard as Electrical and Controls Project Manager, Gerald (Jerry)…
Engineering DesignNewsFun Fact Friday: Mechanical Engineering
February 15, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Mechanical Engineering

Encorus Group’s wide variety of in-house design services includes mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering is a discipline that applies concepts from physics, engineering, and materials science for the design, production, operation,…
Engineering DesignNewsProject NewsFun Fact Friday: Engineering Month
February 8, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Engineering Month

As we move on to a new month, it happens to be an engineer’s favorite time of the year. February is Engineering Month! This month, we take the opportunity to…
EmployeesMechanical IntegrityNewsMeet the MI Team – Andy Simon
February 2, 2019

Meet the MI Team – Andy Simon

Andy Simon is a Mechanical Integrity Project Manager with Encorus. He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University at Buffalo and five years of mechanical integrity experience. He…
Civil TestingEngineering DesignIn The FieldNDENewsSafety Precautions to Take While Visiting a Construction Site
February 1, 2019

Safety Precautions to Take While Visiting a Construction Site

Safety Precautions to Take While Visiting a Construction Site Encorus Group staff often visits the job sites where concepts are brought to reality. These visits are part of the materials…
NDENewsRadiographic Testing Is Up and Running!
January 30, 2019

Radiographic Testing Is Up and Running!

Encorus Group now offers mobile radiographic testing services!
NDENewsFun Fact Friday: Radiographic Testing
January 25, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Radiographic Testing

Radiographic Testing Did you hear the news?  Encorus Group now offers radiographic testing, sometimes called industrial radiography.  This week's Fun Fact Friday talks about what radiographic testing is and what…
Cheyenne Staff SpotlightEmployeesNewsEncorus Welcomes Cheyenne Ricley
January 21, 2019

Encorus Welcomes Cheyenne Ricley

Encorus Group is pleased to announce the addition of Cheyenne Ricley to our drafting department.  Cheyenne is a graduate of Alfred State SUNY College of Technology and has 7 years…
Civil TestingEngineering DesignEnvironmental ServicesMechanical IntegrityNewsTrade Shows & Conferences2019 NYSCHSA Winter Conference
January 18, 2019

2019 NYSCHSA Winter Conference

Talk to Sheila Ransbottom, PE, and Kevin Opp at the New York State County Highway Superintendents Association Winter Conference and Trade Show in Saratoga Springs January 22 - 24!
NewsEngineer vs Professional Engineer: What’s the Difference?
January 18, 2019

Engineer vs Professional Engineer: What’s the Difference?

In the engineering field, there are three levels of status that an engineer can obtain: Engineer, Engineer-In-Training (EIT), and licensed Professional Engineer (PE). Engineer Upon graduating from an accredited engineering…
EmployeesEngineering DesignNewsEncorus Welcomes John Bard
January 17, 2019

Encorus Welcomes John Bard

Encorus is happy to announce the addition of Electrical and Controls Project Manager John Bard to our team.  He has 25 years of experience in the electrical controls field.  Welcome, John!
SDVOSB logoNewsWhat is an SDVOSB?
January 11, 2019

What is an SDVOSB?

Small businesses can be categorized based on their ownership.  Classifications include Minority Owned Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Owned Business Enterprise (WBE), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), 8(a), HubZone, and others. …
Civil TestingNewsPublicationsHow to work with a concrete testing laboratory for quality control and meeting ASTM concrete standards
January 7, 2019

How to work with a concrete testing laboratory for quality control and meeting ASTM concrete standards

How to work with a third-party materials testing firm to meet ASTM concrete standards including how to find the right firm, determine if it is qualified, and get good results…
Engineering DesignNewsFun Fact Friday: Architectural Services
January 4, 2019

Fun Fact Friday: Architectural Services

As a full-service professional engineering firm, Encorus Group offers services across several different engineering disciplines. But did you know that Encorus also offers architectural services? Architecture is the perfect complement…
Engineering DesignNewsFun Fact Friday: Seismic Design
December 21, 2018

Fun Fact Friday: Seismic Design

Seismic Design During the design phase of a structure, there are certain loading conditions that engineers need to take into consideration. One of those loading conditions is seismic load, which…
Environmental ServicesNewsFun Fact Friday: Magnetometer Surveys
December 14, 2018

Fun Fact Friday: Magnetometer Surveys

Magnetometer Surveys What is the largest magnet you have ever seen? I’ll give you a hint: You are standing on it. Yup, it’s the Earth! But you say, “How can…
Civil TestingNewsFun Fact Friday: Hydrometer Analysis Testing
December 7, 2018

Fun Fact Friday: Hydrometer Analysis Testing

Hydrometer Analysis Testing This Fun Fact Friday article will describe the procedure for hydrometer analysis of soils. This procedure measures the particle-size distribution of fine-grained soils and is one of…
NewsTrade Shows & ConferencesEncorus on the Road: Orlando!
December 4, 2018

Encorus on the Road: Orlando!

Encorus is at PowerGen in Orlando this week!  Stop and see Mike O'Neill, Jim Handzlik, and Kevin Opp at Booth 4229!
An image of an Electrical box on the wall.Engineering DesignNewsThe Shocking World of Electrical Engineering
November 30, 2018

The Shocking World of Electrical Engineering

The Shocking World of Electrical Engineering Electrical engineering is one of the several engineering disciplines that Encorus Group offers. We have licensed Professional Engineers and junior staff members with a…
EmployeesMechanical IntegrityNewsMeet the MI Team – Greg Moritz
November 21, 2018

Meet the MI Team – Greg Moritz

Greg Moritz is an Encorus Mechanical Integrity Project Manager. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in mechanical engineering from the University at Buffalo and 15 years of experience in the inspection…
Engineering DesignNewsEncorus Group: Engineering Detectives
November 16, 2018

Encorus Group: Engineering Detectives

  Encorus Group: Engineering Detectives We are going to shift gears a bit for this week’s article and take a look at Encorus’s Design Group. Many people are familiar with…
EmployeesEngineering DesignNewsWelcome Jerry Sullivan!
November 15, 2018

Welcome Jerry Sullivan!

Encorus is pleased to announce the addition of Gerald P. Sullivan, PE, to our Team.  Jerry is a Senior Structural Engineer with over 30 years of experience in construction and…
EmployeesMechanical IntegrityNewsUncategorizedMeet the MI Team – Pat Camillo
November 14, 2018

Meet the MI Team – Pat Camillo

Pasquale (Pat) Camillo is a Mechanical Integrity Project Manager for Encorus. He started his career as a drafter before moving into the mechanical integrity field, and now has a background…
Engineering DesignIn The FieldNewsProject NewsEncorus Group Featured in DOE EM Update Newsletter
November 13, 2018

Encorus Group Featured in DOE EM Update Newsletter

Encorus Group's work on the Safety Significant Confinement Ventilation System (SSCVS) at the Department of Energy's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) was featured in the most recent DOE EM newsletter. …
EmployeesMechanical IntegrityNewsMeet the Mechanical Integrity Team: Keith Taylor
November 7, 2018

Meet the Mechanical Integrity Team: Keith Taylor

Keith Taylor is Encorus Group’s Director of Mechanical Integrity Services. He has a degree in mechanical engineering from Clarkson University and over two decades of mechanical integrity experience. Keith has…
NewsTrade Shows & ConferencesMeet Our Echo Show Winner!
November 5, 2018

Meet Our Echo Show Winner!

Congratulations to Leila Hollis of the US Army Corps of Engineers! She was the winner of the Echo Show giveaway from the Encorus booth at the SAME 2018 Federal Small…
Civil TestingNewsUncategorizedFun Facts: How to Determine Optimal Moisture Content in Soil
November 2, 2018

Fun Facts: How to Determine Optimal Moisture Content in Soil

DID YOU KNOW? #funfactfriday Fun Facts: How to Determine Optimal Moisture Content in Soil The Fun Fact Friday post for this week will concentrate on one of the services offered…
NewsTrade Shows & ConferencesIt’s Time for SAME and NVSBE!
October 30, 2018

It’s Time for SAME and NVSBE!

Stop by the National Veterans Small Business Engagement at Booth 938 to talk to Kevin Opp and Mike O'Neill about engineering, testing, and inspection services! Did you know that Encorus…
Company CultureEmployeesNews2018 Golden Ladle Awarded
October 29, 2018

2018 Golden Ladle Awarded

Here at Encorus, we enjoy our lunches and a little friendly competition too. Our 6th Annual Encorus Soup & Chili Cookoff was held last week. Out of six recipes presented…
Civil TestingNewsFun Fact Friday: Floor Flatness / Levelness Testing
October 26, 2018

Fun Fact Friday: Floor Flatness / Levelness Testing

Floor Flatness / Levelness Testing One service that Encorus’s Civil Testing Group Civil Materials Testing provides is the measurement of floor flatness and levelness. Floor flatness, known as FF, measures…
NewsTrade Shows & ConferencesEncorus is on the road again!
October 25, 2018

Encorus is on the road again!

We'll see you in New Orleans at the SAME Federal Small Business Conference and National Veterans Business Engagement!
Image of a GSSI scanner for our GPR servicesEnvironmental ServicesMechanical IntegrityNDENewsFun Fact Friday: Geophysical Surveying
October 19, 2018

Fun Fact Friday: Geophysical Surveying

Geophysical Surveying The Fun Fact Friday post for this week will take a look at Geophysical Surveying. Geophysical Surveying falls under the category of mechanical integrity. Geophysical Surveying allows for…
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsProject NewsRack System Installation at HP Hood
October 17, 2018

Rack System Installation at HP Hood

The rack system was recently installed for the new ASRS building at HP Hood's facility in Batavia, NY.  Encorus employee Aaron Witherell was on site inspecting the racks for cleanliness…
NewsFun Fact Friday: 10 Tips for Fire Protection Awareness
October 12, 2018

Fun Fact Friday: 10 Tips for Fire Protection Awareness

Fire Protection Awareness Month Happy Friday! October is Fire Protection Awareness Month, so this week’s Fun Fact Friday post will provide some information on what kind of precautions you can…
Civil TestingEngineering DesignNDENewsTrade Shows & ConferencesVisit us at the WNY Facilities Management Expo!
October 3, 2018

Visit us at the WNY Facilities Management Expo!

Be sure to stop by booth 514 at the Western New York Facilities Management Expo on October 17!  Join us at the Hamburg Fairgrounds Event Center and talk to Mike…
Awards & RecognitionNewsEncorus Honored As Fast Track Company
August 17, 2018

Encorus Honored As Fast Track Company

Encorus Group is proud to be honored with a Buffalo Business First Fast Track Award, designating the firm as one of Western New York's fastest growing companies.  Encorus made the…
Image of a GSSI scanner for our GPR servicesCivil TestingIn The FieldNDENewsGround Penetrating Radar
July 23, 2018

Ground Penetrating Radar

Encorus Group now offers ground penetrating radar (GPR) services! GPR is a non-destructive method that uses radar pulses to identify items buried in soil, concrete, or ice. It can be…
EmployeesNewsHappy One Year Work Anniversary!
July 17, 2018

Happy One Year Work Anniversary!

We would like to congratulate NDE inspector Randy Mattson on his one-year work anniversary!  Thank you for all your hard work this year!
Awards & RecognitionNewsEncorus Recognized as Fast Track Company
July 12, 2018

Encorus Recognized as Fast Track Company

Encorus Group is proud to be recognized as a Fast Track Company by Buffalo Business First for the third consecutive year.  This award recognizes local companies that have shown growth…
In The FieldNDENewsProject NewsCar Max Steel Tubing Inspections
July 1, 2018

Car Max Steel Tubing Inspections

Encorus Group Senior NDE Inspector Kevin Donner was recently in Amherst, NY performing steel tubing inspections for the screen wall at the new Car Max location.
EmployeesNDENewsEncorus Welcomes NDE Inspector Kevin Donner
June 29, 2018

Encorus Welcomes NDE Inspector Kevin Donner

Kevin Donner has joined Encorus Group’s Civil / NDE Department as a Senior NDE Inspector. He has over 30 years of experience in construction projects all over Western New York. …
EmployeesNewsJoe Lowry Graduates from UB CEL Core Program
June 8, 2018

Joe Lowry Graduates from UB CEL Core Program

Encorus is proud to announce that its President, Joe Lowry, is a 2018 graduate of the University at Buffalo Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Core Program.  The ten-month program gives entrepreneurs…
EmployeesNewsQuality AssuranceNew Hire Spotlight: Lindse Runge
June 6, 2018

New Hire Spotlight: Lindse Runge

Encorus Group is pleased to announce that Lindse Runge has joined the firm's Quality Assurance Department as a QA Technician. Originally from Lake Charles, Louisiana, Lindse previously worked for CB&I in their…
Civil TestingEmployeesNewsEncorus Welcomes Cody VanDuser
May 30, 2018

Encorus Welcomes Cody VanDuser

Cody VanDuser has joined the Encorus Civil Testing Department as an engineering technician. In his free time, Cody loves camping and other outdoor activities, as well as rooting for the Tampa…
Kevin and Tom at the USDOE Small Business ExpoEmployeesNewsTrade Shows & ConferencesUS 17th Annual DOE Small Business Forum & Expo
May 23, 2018

US 17th Annual DOE Small Business Forum & Expo

Encorus Group's Kevin Opp and Tom Gilmartin are in Houston this week!
NewsIt’s official!
May 22, 2018

It’s official!

Although we changed our name on August 1, 2017, from RJR Engineering to Encorus Group™. It was finally approved by the New York State Department of State and the Department…
#GYCD18EmployeesNewsGreen Your Commute Day #GYCD18
May 18, 2018

Green Your Commute Day #GYCD18

Encorus employees participated in Green Your Commute Day 2018 on May 18.  This is a day to promote and celebrate sustainable modes of transportation.  We had walkers, bikers, carpoolers, and…
Engineering DesignNewsProject NewsDOE Moving Forward With Key WIPP Infrastructure Upgrade
May 15, 2018

DOE Moving Forward With Key WIPP Infrastructure Upgrade

Encorus Group is proud to be a key contributor to this major infrastructure project at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. We are designing, procuring and overseeing the installation of six…
Encorus employee Evan Kolber is pictured here performing dynamic cone penetrometer testing on the subrade for the new roadways at the Arkwright Summit Wind FarmCivil TestingIn The FieldProject NewsConstruction Testing Continues at Arkwright Wind Farm
May 9, 2018

Construction Testing Continues at Arkwright Wind Farm

Encorus employee Evan Kolber is shown conducting the dynamic cone penetrometer test. This test was performed on the subgrade for the new roadways at the Arkwright Summit Wind Farm. Encorus…
Encorus inspected concrete at the new Batavia, NY Mercy Flight facilityCivil TestingIn The FieldNewsProject NewsEncorus Inspects Concrete at New Mercy Flight Facility
May 2, 2018

Encorus Inspects Concrete at New Mercy Flight Facility

Encorus recently inspected the concrete sidewalks at the new EMS Mercy Flight Facility in Batavia, NY. This inspection was part of the finishing touches on the project.
Windsor Probe Testing at New Emerling Dodge Dealership in Springville, NYCivil TestingIn The FieldNewsProject NewsTesting at new Emerling Dodge Dealership
April 30, 2018

Testing at new Emerling Dodge Dealership

Encorus technician Chad Schwartz was recently at the site of the future Emerling Dodge dealership in Springville, NY. He performed Windsor Probe Testing on the mezzanine deck of the new…
First Blade Installation at Arkwright Wind FarmCivil TestingIn The FieldNewsArkwright Wind Farm Progress
April 27, 2018

Arkwright Wind Farm Progress

Encorus Group has been working at the Arkwright Wind Farm site in Chautauqua County since July of 2017, providing services including bearing grade approval, concrete field testing, rebar inspection, in-place density testing,…
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsProject NewsConcrete Testing at HP Hood ASRS Warehouse Addition
April 24, 2018

Concrete Testing at HP Hood ASRS Warehouse Addition

Encorus has been working with HP Hood on their new ASRS warehouse addition, providing concrete testing and other services.
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsWork Continues on Darien Lake’s New Tantrum Coaster
April 24, 2018

Work Continues on Darien Lake’s New Tantrum Coaster

  Encorus crews continue to be on-site performing concrete inspection services as Darien Lake's new Tantrum coaster gets closer to completion.  Recently, concrete foundations were being dug and then filled…
Engineering DesignNewsProject NewsSSCVS Fan Project at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
March 21, 2018

SSCVS Fan Project at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)

Encorus won the contract to supply the fans for the Safety Significant Confinement Ventilation System (SSCVS) project at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. We will supply six 1,000HP fans which will…
Civil TestingIn The FieldNewsCaisson Inspections at Darien Lake
March 21, 2018

Caisson Inspections at Darien Lake

Encorus Group's Lou Schwab and Chad Schwartz were onsite today at Darien Lake providing caisson inspections for the new Tantrum Roller Coaster... according to Darien Lake's website..."Tantrum riders will embark…
Engineering DesignNewsStructural Engineering Services
March 15, 2018

Structural Engineering Services

Encorus Group provides structural engineering services for a wide range of clients such as government agencies, industrial facilities, commercial buildings, as well as property insurance companies. Click here to learn…
Awards & RecognitionNewsSpringville Awards Encorus Group the Entreprenurial Spirit Award
February 26, 2018

Springville Awards Encorus Group the Entreprenurial Spirit Award

  Thank you to the Springville Area Chamber of Commerce for recognizing the Encorus Group with the 2018 Entrepreneurial Spirit Award at their Annual Awards Event.
NewsRJR is now the Encorus Group!
January 3, 2018

RJR is now the Encorus Group!

What's New at the Encorus Group? RJR is now the Encorus Group! By Kevin Opp, Director of Marketing & Business Development Original Post Date: June 15, 2017 In January of this year,…